3: 🥩 We Meat Again

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"Okay, one more question. I'll give it to Vicky."

"Uh, yes. Mr. Malik, what made you write Maverick with George as a paralytic? Because I've always been fascinated with that story and the way you wrote Frank falling in love with him."

He smiles. "Well... I met a woman in a wheelchair when I was out making errands one day. She was very sweet and she got around well by herself. So I wondered what it would be like to write that character. I spent two weeks working and talking with people who suffer from permanent paralysis and I spent one full day in a wheelchair to get the feel for it myself. The experience was incredible and I felt quite knowledgeable when I came back home to write."

"Wow." Vicky says. "The way you write is spectacular. And it's nice that you're gay so we have some real insight on those types of relationships."

"That's a nice compliment. Thank you. And yes, I always feel it's best to write from what you know. I've always been attracted to men my entire life. So I don't have a choice but to write relationships like that." He pauses to send hearts to Vicky in the chat.

"Well, since we're in the final minute of our five minute group discussion, the final session is about to come to an end. So I just wanted to say I really appreciate all of you for reading my stories and or signing up for the writing workshop. It really has been a pleasure working with you for the last six weeks. I hope that you use all the information you've learned to become amazing writers and I hope that one day when I walk into a book store, I will see your name on one of those covers."

He hears a knock at the door so he rushes to end the class faster. "Thank you so much and don't forget to refer others."

"Definitely, Mr. Malik."

"Thanks, Mr. Malik."


After another chorus of goodbyes and blown kisses, Zayn ends the class for everyone. Today is the first day he's having groceries from Greenwell Grocery delievered.

"Wow. Right on time." He says out loud as he picks up his shopping list on the way to the door. Or so he thinks. Because when he opens that door and sees who's on the other side of it, he realizes it couldn't be a worse time.



"I know. I know. I have to do the six oclock order. In a minute."

"No. Now. You're on a schedule that you must keep. This is your only delivery today so you don't have to come back. Clock out and I'll have Archie finish up your work later."

"Thanks. I'm on it."

When Mr. Lou leaves, Harry goes to the computer and prints out the list of the newest order he must collect. It's for someone named Zayn Malik.

"Okay... let's see..."


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