11: 🍠 That's Sweet of You

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Harry is sitting in the break room for a fifteen minute break when he hears someone's voice a few feet away.

"That's different."

He's startled to see Mr. Lou looking down at him. So he quickly closes the book and sets it down, covering the cover. "Huh? What?

"You're reading something."

Harry hums. "You say that like I don't know how to read."

"No. I know you know how to read. It's just different that you're reading on your lunch break. You're usually on the phone. On top of that, you always clock back in after the thirty minute minimum but today it looks like you're taking the entire hour."

"Yeah... I kind of wanted to do that today. Sorry."

"Don't apologize. You're not doing anything wrong. I just noticed it. That's all."

Mr. Lou looks down at the book. Even though the cover is covered, the spine is not.

"Wait... Zayn Malik... Didn't you come to me one day mad about someone with this name a month ago? Let me think..." He snaps his fingers while he recalls. "Oh yeah. The organic foods guy, right?"

He simply nods once.

"He's an author?"


Mr. Lou chuckles. "What made you get his book? And how did you even find out he was an author?"

"I saw him at the mall last week. He was outside the book store signing books. So I decided to get it and read it. Just to see what he writes."

"And what does he write?"

"Normal stuff."

"Aha. So he's decent after all."

"He's always been decent."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Just because I was an asshole to him it doesn't mean he was a bad guy. The man just likes organic foods. It's not a crime."

Mr. Lou folds his arms. "Alright. Where's Harry Styles and what have you done with him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I distinctly remember you calling him delusional. I mean... I know I told you to apologize. But apologizing was just to keep his business. It doesn't usually lead to you taking up for the man, then buying his books and reading them in your spare time."

Harry stands up and puts the book in his locker to keep it safe.

"Mr. Lou, you do realize what I do on my time is none of your business, right?"

"Of course. I do."

"Then not to be rude, but maybe you could just remember that."

He doesn't say anything more when he clocks back in and leaves the room.

But Mr. Lou can't pretend that he isn't still curious.


"So just remember that with your protagonist, make sure the motivation is consistent with each new goal you present, as it will bring your entire story together and help your readers understand what the protagonist is trying to accomplish. Any questions? Remember to ask them in the chat and I will try my best to answer all of them."

As Zayn is waiting for his students to type in their questions. He hears a knock on his door. He turns away from the screen and faces that direction. He isn't expecting anyone today. So he's confused.

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