14: 🥥 That Empty Feeling Inside

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"Anne, you know you make the best lemon squares." Harry says.

"You always say that."

"He's right." Liam says. "You do make the best lemon squares. You always have."

"Thank you." Anne blushes as she takes their plates which contain nothing but crumbs leftover from her homemade lemon squares dessert.

"So Harry, Liam. You both look very happy these days."

"We do?" Harry asks.

"Yes. I could see it radiating from you the second I opened the door."

Liam blushes. "I don't disagree. To tell you the truth, I'm probably like this because I have a new girlfriend."

Anne beams. "Oh, really?"


"Does, Lisa know?"

"Yes. Mom knows. Dad too."

"And what's her name?"

"Bobbie. And she's super sweet. Maybe things will work out nicely between us and you'll get to meet her one day."

"I certainly hope so."

She turns to Harry. "And what about you Harry?"

"Me? Oh, I'm not dating anyone."

"That's not what I was implying at all. You could be happy for any reason."

"Right... well... probably because of the delivery boy job I told you about. It's fun to go out and meet new people. There was this one old lady who was super adorable that I met today. She kept calling me sweetie and even gave me a two dollar tip."

"Oh. That's wonderful. She must have really appreciated you."

"Yeah. She did."

"Well, that's good. I'm glad to know you're appreciated and if you're happy, so am I."

The way she talks about his happiness makes him recall what happened about a week ago when Mr. Lou pointed out his whistling. He can't lie. He has been unexplainably in a good mood lately. He must be wearing his emotions out on his sleeve because everyone else is starting to notice it too.

"Uh... I told you we couldn't stay long because Liam and I are going out."

"Oh, right you did." Anne says sadly.

"But I'm gonna take a leak first."

"Hey." She scolds.

"Sorry. I'm going to use the bathroom."

"That's much better."

Harry smiles before getting up from the table and leaving the small eating area.

Once he's gone, Anne takes Harry's place and reaches out to put a gentle hand on Liam's wrist. "You are still looking after my boy, right?"

"Yes ma'am. I am. But Harry stays busy a lot so it's not easy."

"Oh, I know. I know." She sighs quietly. "I'm just worried about him. That's all. I want him to be safe but he doesn't visit as often as he should so I would know that he is."

"You know how he is, Anne. He thinks he'll disappoint you because... you know."

"The constant one night stands?" She finishes.


She scoffs but smiles softly at him. "But he knows I know about those. And no, I'm not too fond of it because I don't think it's particularly safe to carry on the way he does. But I still love him. And I won't love him any less. It's his life."

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