5: 🧀 I'm Much Feta Off This Way

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Harry wakes up the next day in his bed. A body is lying next to him so he frowns hard and instinctively pushes at it.


Avery moves slightly.




"Huh?!" He wakes up in a hurry. His hair is wild from sex and sleep. "Hm?"

"Why are you in my bed?"

"You brought me here."

"I thought I told you to leave last night though."

He huffs and falls back in the bed. "Ugh. You're that worried about sticking to one person that I can't even stay the night? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me. I already told you what I prefer."

"And I agreed on the terms."

"But you didn't agree to leave last night."

"I fell asleep, okay? That's it. And if you want me to go, fine. I'll go."

He stands up out of bed and starts to get dressed. Harry watches him and doesn't say a word. When Avery is dressed, he turns to him.

"Can you at least tell me why?" He asks.

"Why what?"

"Why you don't have sex with anyone more than twice."

Harry chuckles and sits up in bed. "Every day, people have sex and never realize the science behind it. There's this hormone that's released during sex. It makes you feel a bond, create an attachment and then you get this thing called love. Women have higher levels of it but it still happens with men too."

"Okay. And you think you'll fall for me or something? You don't think we could just continue sleeping together with no feelings?"

"Listen I love sex with you. It's amazing and you were amazing last night. But I also like sex with a lot of people. If I keep sleeping with you, sooner or later it will happen either with you or with me. And that's just not the sort of lifestyle I want right now. I like having a pick. You understand?"

Avery nods. "Yeah. I understand. Well... the time I spent with you was still nice."

"Yeah. It was. I won't deny it. But seriously, don't forget your jacket this time."

Avery doesn't really say anything when he leaves Harry's room.


"What will it be today, Mr. Malik? The usual?"

"Yes. The usual."

"One black Boba tea and one strawberry cheesecake croissant coming right up. You know your total."

After Zayn pays with his card, he steps out of the way to wait for the workers to prepare his order.

He watches the customers that are waiting in line. There's a pregnant woman with a small child, a woman in a business suit who seems very agitated with whomever she's talking to on the phone and a man with a cowboy hat and jeans on.

He observes the way they carry themselves then imagines the businesswoman and mother as the opposite sex. Which means in his mind he's seeing an agitated businessman, a single father and the cowboy. How would he put either one of them together? What would make the likeliest couple. Which would make the most interesting to write?

As for the businesman and a single father trope, he's sure he could make it interesting but he feels like he's already read lots of stories with a business man as one of the love interests of a single parent. So he doesn't want to write that. The cowboy and the single father doesn't really appeal to him too much either. It isn't his vibe. But the businessman and cowboy. Well that just might be very interesting.

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