19: 🎃 Patch Things Up

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"Are you nervous?" Zayn asks.

It's a very chilly evening being that it's late October now. They're in the car and they're on their way to a pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin. This happens to be something Zayn and his mother have been doing for years- ever since Zayn was a young boy- which means since Harry is coming along, then this is also the day he meets Zayn's mother.

"No. Not really nervous."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure."

"Then why are you so quiet?"

Harry shrugs and leans against the door. "I don't know. I guess I'm just wondering why you never mentioned her before to me. That's all."

Zayn smiles. "To tell you the truth, I should have at least mentioned her since you told me about yours. Especially once we made the relationship official. But I guess I just didn't because I knew it would lead to conversations about her and I didn't want you to run away."

"Run away? Why would I run away?"

"You don't know my mother but she has always been a pioneer of my dating life. She's a meddler."


"Yes. And she has set me up on a few blind dates in the past."

"Were they bad?"

"No. Not bad. The men she found were decent. They just weren't totally for me. So I would always call it off."

"And how does that matter in terms of who I am?"

"Because..." He says. "You're not someone she would have ever picked for me and if she had met you, she'd have made that clear and it wouldn't have mattered if I liked you or not. She'd have pushed you away before you ever got the chance to see me."


"She doesn't mean to though. She means best when she does it. But she had me when she was fifteen so... we both kind of learned about life and boundaries together."

"Fifteen? She was so young."

"Mhm. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate her and love her. I do. Plus she's still old enough to be your mother too."

Harry finds that comical. So he laughs. "So why wouldn't I be a choice for you? Besides the whole age gap thing, I mean."

"Well, besides the age gap, she wants for me a man who makes loads of money. Now I'm not saying you're broke."

"No. Go ahead. Say it. I am broke. I'm just a man working at a grocery store."

Zayn laughs. "I'm not going to say that. No. But... she's been that way as long as I can remember. So she sets me up with doctors and lawyers that her husband knows."

"Hmm, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"Have you ever wondered why your mother thinks about the materialistic side of things so much?"

"No. I don't have to wonder. I already know."

"You do?"

"Yes. I already know."

Harry waits to see if Zayn will answer. But he doesn't. So he decides to move on and not question him further. "So that's all you've ever dated were lawyers and doctors?"

"Mostly. But she once set me up with a guy who was going to be in a movie."

"And you turned him down?"

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