13: 🍕 A Pizza Me Wants To Give Up

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Zayn is lying in bed when he hears his doorbell. He's in a down mood right now so he's really not up for seeing anyone. Which means he makes no effort to get out of bed. Then just as he thinks they've gone away, there's a faint knock on the door. He groans. Whoever it is, he knows he isn't expecting them, so he turns over and continues to ignore it.

However ignoring it doesn't matter because he can hear someone calling out his name.

"Zayn! Are you alright?"

He sighs heavily. It's Niall. And this is one time that he is glad Niall let himself in.


Niall always comes looking for him when Zayn doesn't meet him. So instead of answering, he waits for Niall to find him. And as expected, there's a knock on his bedroom door.


He groans to acknowlege him.

"Oh, good." He sounds relieved. "You had me worried for a moment. I'm coming in. Is everything put away? I don't want to walk in and see anything."

"Just come in." He finally says.


The door finally opens and Naill looks concerned. "Have you been in bed all day?"

"Not all day. Just the last few hours."

"Why? Are you tired?"


Niall sits down at the foot of his bed. "Well, what's wrong, then?"

Zayn doesn't feel like explaining, so he reaches for the phone on his nightstand, unlocks it and then hands it to Niall. The screen already displays what he wants Niall to see.

 The screen already displays what he wants Niall to see

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Niall finishes reading it and looks at Zayn.

"This isn't so bad, Zayn."

"Yes it is."

"Why is it so bad?"

"It's embarrassing."

"Why is it embarrassing? He said you seemed lovely. Someone just got to him first."

"And that's why it's embarrassing. That was my first time, Niall. My first time messaging someone because I liked what I read about them. And now look. Turned down, rejected."

"I'm sorry." Niall says softly.

"I think I'm going to quit."

"Quit what?"

"Online dating."

"Why? You've only gotten to go out with one person."

"Yeah and then I took a break only to come back and have that happen. Maybe this really isn't for me."

"Then what is? Because you don't think going out and meeting anyone is meant for you anymore either. That's why you stopped sleeping with random people."

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