33: 🍒 Cherries Your Ignorance

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"That was delicious just like you said." Walter says as he walks around a fire hydrant in the sidewalk. "Thanks for showing me this place."

"No. Thank you for coming. I'm glad you like my favorite cafe as much as I do."

"I think it was the croissant that did it for me. Those strawberries. I'm all for eating heart healthy food. And those berries are it."

"Really? So all this time when I've been gulping these down like a madman, I have been halfway taking care of my heart? Guess I don't have to feel so guilty anymore." He laughs.


"So what other foods are good for the heart?"

"Besides the berries? Uh... let's see... Fish. Like salmon, cod and tuna. Dark chocolate. Don't forget your greens and oats. And uh... my personal favorite. Flax seeds."

"Flax seeds?" Zayn's asks.

"Yes. I put them in my yogurt which I try to eat every other morning before I go out."

"Wow. You're really serious."

"I am. The heart is the most delicate organ next to the brain in my opinion. So it should be taken care of very carefully. By eating those foods, you can help keep yourself healthy and safe. No guarantees. But at least you do have a better chance."

Zayn turns his head sideways at him. "You believe the brain is more delicate than the heart?"


"Why, when you can live without a working brain. But not without a working heart?"

"Well, for one, because the brain is a lot more complex than the heart. It controls everything in order to keep the body functioning while the heart has one main job. To pump blood to the different parts of the body. There are artificial hearts that can pump blood for you but there is no such thing as an artificial brain that can think for you. It just isn't. If it was, a lot of dummies might still have a chance."

Zayn laughs but he also is shocked. "There's really a such thing as an artificial heart?"

"Yes. And many who've had them permanently have lived normal lives with them."

"Wow. I didn't know that. That's amazing."

"It's even more amazing when you get to talk to someone who's actually had one. I had a patient who had TAH surgery- that's Total Artificial Heart- and it was amazing to see him when it was all over."

"It sounds almost unreal. Now you've got me interested."

"Hey, I'm glad." He stuffs his gloved hands in his pockets and steps closer to Zayn so their shoulders touch. "You know, being a cardiologist has taught me a lot about the heart. People think that the job is only capable of teaching you to care for the physical wellbeing of it, but that's not true. It's taught me that it's connected to so many things. Emotions, the mind..."

"Tell me more."

"Well, emotions can make the heart happy or heavy or hurt or full. The mind is fed through the eyes, ears and signals sent to the brain through a touch. And whatever is fed into it eventually affects the heart and can cause it to function rapidly or slowly or not at all. It's all connected in some way. And there's so much more to taking care of a heart than just berries and seeds. Especially when it's somebody else's."

Zayn smiles sadly. "I don't think you have to be a cardiologist to learn that. You just have to know love and taste it for a moment. You'll learn so much more about the heart than you could ever imagine."

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