18: 🍯 Oh, Honey

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"So it's this November, right?"

"Yep. Shortly before Thanksgiving." Niall answers.

Zayn beams. "I'm telling you this seems so unreal. My book being on the list of eight books people must read this holiday season. That's crazy."

"I know right. People like reading about men being held down and fingered until they pass out, I guess."

Zayn shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Why is the smut the only part you ever get out of my stories?"

"I don't know."

"Hm. Maybe I do. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't have a secret male lover out there somewhere."

"Please. Me?"

"Yes. You."

"Zayn, I only talk about that because I know what you'll say. Trust me. There are no secret male lovers or any of the likes."

"You've read fifteen books about gay men that I know of. Don't pretend you haven't thought about it once. Entertained the thought, at least."

"Thought about it? I guess I might have wondered how I would fair if I were into the same things. But to ever be willing to do it? No way. Truth is if I ever did think about going that way there's no one I would trust. Except maybe you. But that's weird as hell considering you're like a brother to me."

Zayn laughs. "Yeah, very weird. Besides, I'm taken anyways."

Niall raises his brow at first but then he becomes excited. "Wait. You found somebody?"


"Shit, Zayn that's great. Is he... you know... A top this time? A dom?"

Zayn smiles. "A top? Yes. A dom? In every sense of the word."

"Whoa. That's a big plus. So what's this guy's online profile look like? How did it go down in the private messages?"

Zayn plays with his hands nervously. "He didn't have an online profile."


"And we didn't message each other either."

"What? Then how'd you know to meet up then? Don't tell me your mom set you up on another blind date."

"No. Definitely not. I told her I didn't want to do that again. This date, I got all on my own."

"So who is he then? What's his name?"

Zayn won't come right out with it yet. "Promise not to get mad first."

"What? Why would I get mad? You act like you're dating a criminal or something. You're not, are you?"

"No. Absolutely not."

"Okay then. So just come out with it. I won't get mad."

"Alright." He throws his hands up and lets them fall. "His name is Harry Styles."

Niall pauses and by the look on his face, Zayn can tell he isn't too pleased.



"So I'll assume that you just happened to meet two men who are named Harry Styles because there's no way you're talking about that kid that showed up to your book signing."

Zayn frowns. "He's not a kid."

"Yes he is. For you, he is."

"No he is not. To me, he is an adult. Just like I am to him. You're the one who sees him as a kid."

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