20: 🍊 Orange You Glad I'm Here?

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A few days later, Mr. Lou is in his office eating a very late lunch when he hears a knock on his door. Harry is there and he looks different. Shy almost.

"Hey, what are you still doing here? You didn't have any late deliveries today. If I were you, I'd be heading home."

"Yeah, I will be but I wanted to talk to you, Louis. Off the clock."

Mr. Lou takes his napkin and wipes his mouth. "Oh. Sure. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I think so. I don't know."

"Well come in and tell me what's on your mind."

Harry comes in the office and pushes the door up a little. He takes a seat in the chair and puts his bag on the floor.

"I need parenting advice."

Mr. Lou raises his brow. "Parenting advice. You?"


"Why? You're not... having a baby with someone are you?"

"No. I'm not. No way. Maybe I didn't say that right. It's not advice on how to be a parent. But advice from a parent's perspective. Say... you know. How parents react in situations that involve their children."

"Oh. Okay."

"Your son recently got married, right?"

"Right. Almost a year ago."

"Yeah. And how did you feel about the girl when he first introduced her to you?"

"Georgia? She seemed like a nice girl."



"I mean the honest truth. When you first met her, you knew nothing about her. I'm not asking what she seemed to be. I'm asking what you were really thinking about her. Because I know you weren't just thinking she was nice."

He drops the used napkin onto his desk. "Truthfully?"

"That's why I'm here."

Mr. Lou stands up from the chair and closes his office door all the way.

"Tuthfully, I was skeptical of her. As much as I love my son, he has never been great with picking women. Ever. I swear when I asked her about her family the first time, it took me like ten minutes to get back in the conversation because I kept sitting there thinking that she was lying. I did not trust her at all."

"Did she lie?"

"No. She was telling the truth about them."

"But how long it did take you to trust her?"

"A few months before they married. I overheard her talking to her friends on the phone when she thought no one was listening. The way she talked about him, I... I knew she really loved him. Didn't find out till a couple months ago that she actually picked him. Not the other way around. He doesn't find the good ones. But a good one found him and he's damn lucky for it. And I'm lucky too because I don't have to worry anymore."


"Why did you wanna know it from a parent's perspective? Is something going on?"

"I'm sure Georgia knew that you didn't trust her. That's not as hard to tell as you parents think it is."

"Probably. I'm sure I gave off the vibe because I'm not good at minding my business or keeping my mouth shut."

"But the parents do let up so I guess that's a good sign."

"Yeah, we do. Eventually. Some take longer than others. But if the person is truly good, we'll warm up. We won't always give them a hard time."


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