Adam & Amanda

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Adam POV

I've known Amanda Peterson since I was a baby. If modern day times had arranged marriages that would describe Amanda and I.

Though when we were young I didn't mind the thought of marriage to her. I always thought she was pretty and kind. Growing up as kids we were best friends always getting each other in trouble with our mischief. Our parents would always say how cute we were and that they couldn't wait for our wedding day.

That was until the flip started to switch. On her 17 birthday I noticed a change in her. It was like she was finally realizing how rich and powerful her family and my family were. She started treating people as though they were beneath her. She loved that people would practically bow at her feet just hoping to make it into her "circle of friends." When she dumped her long time best friend because she couldn't afford to wear name brand clothes I knew then Amanda couldn't be the girl for me. She became very superficial always had her nails, toes, hair, and makeup done. Don't get me wrong that isn't what made her unbearable it was the name brand everything she had to have and she was bulldoze anyway that got in the way of her monthly blow out hair appointment. And mostly they way she treated those less fortunate than her.

Mr. Peterson, Amanda's father, had created a data base program that landed a deal with the CIA and many other major corporations right out of college. He is one of the most sought after men in the technology world. And Amanda will inherit it all, only child, princess of legacy he will leave behind. My family comes from a long line of oil. My father in his 30s became greedy and decided he wanted more than just the oil business so he started an investment firm. He now has corporations all over the United States. And all of it will be my inheritance. Though I've never wanted it.

As a kid my dad was too busy getting rich to care about his family. He always talked about his "legacy" yet he wasn't even caring for the children he had at home. He never made it to a football game. My mother put up a good front to us kids. But you could tell she was lonely and she knew that my father was probably never lonely. I helped my mom raise my siblings. When dad was around for the purpose of looking like the picture perfect family he was so fake at the charity events and parties we attended. Behind close doors he was mean always ready to snap at his oldest son. My mom defended his behavior by saying he was so stressed building his legacy. My father wanted to control everything about all our lives. He didn't even want me to go to college because he said I already have a company to run when it's time. The only reason he let me study photography was because I agreed to enroll in business school to at least earn a degree and look like I'm capable of running multiple million dollar companies.

Of course Amanda chose to not go off to college she was content with living off of her daddy's money.

Mr. Peterson and my father were college roommates and that's how Amanda and I's story started.

Before I left for school at the end of the summer my mom gave me our family ring. The ring that has been passed down to every first born child to propose to their wealthy significant other. Wealth marries wealth. My mother had good intentions she really believed in her heart Amanda and I were the real deal. Although she isn't a great judge of a good relationship based off her marriage. I didn't have the heart to disappoint her and apart me believed I would have to marry Amanda.

When my grandmother passed away at the beginning of the school year. I went back home and I told Amanda I wanted to break up with her. I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I had only just met Kami and our couple encounters weren't the greatest but I'd be lying if I say i wasn't drawn to that girl from the first time i felt an electric shock surge through my body just by touching her hand. I had never felt something like that not even with Amanda. It just made me realize maybe there is more out there, maybe I don't have to settle for mind numbing conversations with Amanda, maybe I could feel something more, and just maybe with someone else. To say Amanda freaked out when I told her it was over would be an understatement. She wasn't use to being told no. It's not like she even cared about me I had left for school 3 years ago and not once did she visit me in Chicago because it's a "gross" city. For the last year we've hardly spoken and have only seen each other at the obligated charity and family events.

At some point during my grandmother's wake, after I told her this would be it for us she found the family ring that my mother gave me. Not only did she find it, which was hidden in my room, but she put it on. I watched the look on her face when she entered the room. I realized then and only then she had been gone for awhile. Her red puffy eyes made me scoff and roll my eyes. I doubt she had actually been crying about our break up. And then I watched a smirk form across her face. And then I watched her raise her hand. The giant round diamond on a plain gold band that was my family's was sitting on that finger.

What the fuuuuuckkkk panic surges through my body.

"We are engaged!" She yelled through the dining room where everyone was drinking and mingling. An uproar of cheers and congratulations boomed through the oversized room. And for me, I probably looked like a deer in head lights.

My mom walked over to me with tears streaming down her face, she cups my cheeks, "Adam I'm so happy. Thanks for giving us something to celebrate."

I'm stunned. I can't even move. I can't look at my mom in the eyes. I can't tell her, not on the day she buried her mom. How am I ever going to tell her?

"What the Fuck Amanda!" I barked at her once we got back upstairs after dinner with my entire family and half of the small rich circle our families run in.

"I knew you weren't breaking up with me. You aren't that stupid Adam. When I found this I knew I was right" she flashes that ring at me.

"Are you insane?" I yell throwing my arms in the air.

"You can't break up with me. It will devastate everyone." She says so calmly

I'm pacing back and forth. I can't break my moms heart right now. But I officially hate this woman standing in front of me.

"Fine! For now.  But WE are not together. Do you understand me? As soon as my mom Is feeling better I will tell her we aren't together. And we will NEVER get married." I growl at her

"Did you meet someone Adam?" Again she speaks so calmly and it pisses me off.

"That's none of your business! Now get out of my fucking room!"

She rolls her eyes and walks to the door but before she leaves she says "you know your family willl never accept anyone other than me."

"OUT!" I yell.

Ah, she is fucking right. I hate her for this. I will never forgive her. My family thinks I'm suppose to be with Amanda. They will force this even more now. I can't imagine spending my life with someone so shallow, but will I have to?

This is a bit of back story for Adam and Amanda. So before he and Kami had their friends day of hanging out from book 1

***What do you think of Adam's side? What should we do with Amanda?

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