Chapter 3

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Kami POV

I'm looking up at this brick ranch style home. It's nothing overly fancy but it looks like every sense of the word home.

I'm a little taken back by the amount of people coming out of the front door. They have balloons and signs as if they are meeting a celebrity! I see many children of different ages. And an older woman. I don't see anyone that could be Rebecca's mom.

Rebecca is in tears as she gets out of the car.
"Momma!" She yells. And to my surprise the older woman comes trotting toward the car in tears and yelling "my baby!"

This lady is short, even shorter than Rebecca. Round, dark skin, big brown eyes, and grey silver hair. I'm guessing in her glory days she had dark brown or even black hair. Rebecca has a little bit of curves but blonde hair blue eyes. I just can't place this how this woman is her mother.

The children have run to Rebecca and the one she called momma and they are all wrapped up in giant hug circle that is literally my worst nightmare.

"Momma, kids, everyone, this is Kami Cooper, my best friend from school." Rebecca says while wiping her tears from her face. And something about my best friend from school made my heart swell and ache all at once.

And before I can say hello. This giant family has yelled and cheered while circling me in one of those giant hug things. I feel very claustrophobic and overwhelmed by the physical touch.

"Guys, please, Kami isn't really big on hugs." Rebecca pleads to these strange people. A tiny girl pipes up. "Who doesn't like hugs?" She must 4 or 5 she is the size of my pinky. She has strawberry blonde hair, bright green eyes, and little freckles all over her cheeks and nose. For a tiny human she is quite cute. "Abigail, some people just prefer... high fives..." Rebecca tries reasoning with her but I can tell by her shrug of the shoulders and look on her face she didn't really know how to defend me.

The little freckle face tiny human just looked up at me. Almost straining to see me. I knelt down to her level and offered her a high five with the best smile I can muster up. To my surprise she leaps into my chest wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing my soul out. I let out a laugh and a cough at this choking hazard around my neck. "Abigail! What did Becca tell you!" The one that is called momma demands.

"I'm sorry momma but everyone needs hugs." She says to Rebecca's mom and her mom......? Does this woman not know what a condom is?

Momma walks over to me looks me in the eye, cups my cheek, and says "I'm so happy to have you in my home! I've heard so much about you!" I glance over at Rebecca for security but she is making her way up to the house. "Come on dear, let's get you warmed up, dinner will be ready soon!" She says in her very stern, enthusiastic, motherly voice. "T..thanks Mrs..." she interrupts me. "Oh no! You can call me momma!" She senses my discomfort as i shuffle my feet and look down. "Let's go baby girl!" As she ushers me inside.

I step foot into the door and the smell of pasta and fireplace fills the air. It's warm and loud from all the voices. Everyone has gathered around Rebecca in the living room by the fire. Rebecca meets my eyes and excuses her self from the kids. "I'll show you to our room." She says hobbling down the hall way. "This one!" She says excitedly.

"Bunk beds..." I look over to with a smirk.
"How old are we?"

"Hey be nice! I have lots of brothers and sisters! Bunk beds is the easiest and fun!" She says while placing her hand on her hip and rolls her eyes

"DINNNNNER's READY!" I hear momma yell from the other room. Rebecca jumps up "we better hurry. No one keeps momma waiting!" She giggles. I look at her amused. "After we eat. I have questions." I say to her

Dinner is truly incredible and I suddenly realize how drained I am. I caught Abigail staring at me a couple times throughout dinner. What is with this kid?

We tell everyone goodnight and head to our room.

"Why didn't you tell me you were adopted?" I ask Rebecca . As she is flopping on the bottom bunk.

"Technically I'm not adopted." She says with a solemn tone.

"I don't understand then." I say sitting down on the ground next to the bottom bunk so we are eye level.

She lets out a sigh. "Momma is our foster mom. Or was my foster mom when I was a minor. I never had a family. The woman who gave birth to me dropped me off at the doorstep of an orphanage with a note that said

I'm sorry I didn't know. I thought she was my second chance but I couldn't. I named her Rebecca Donaldson. Always know I did what was best for my babies.

So I lived in and out of different homes from the time I was practically a newborn. I was in some homes that didn't have any love. And some homes with a lot of love. I was physically abused and verbally abused at a very young age but I always had hope that my mom would come back for me. She never came back. When I was 15 I was placed here with Momma. I knew right after this was the home I had been looking for. And my brothers and sisters are all children that were left behind too and this amazing woman gives them a home"

Tears are rolling out of her eyes and I'm pretty sure some are sneaking out of mine.

"By the time I got here it wasn't necessary to adopt me but she never made me feel less. She gave me love, a home, taught me all the things a mom should teach their daughter. It was amazing living here." She says with a sparkle in her eye.

"So she has adopted all these kids?" I say in a whisper.

Becca laughs "most of them but some are new foster children that she will adopt if needed but regardless they always have a home here."

I find myself wondering about the little freckle face girl with bright green eyes. "And Abigail?" I ask with a cracked voice

"Abi just got here about 6 months ago. Her parents were both killed in a house fire. They only managed to get her out. She had a baby brother that didn't make it as well and no other family."

I can't help the ache forming in my heart and lump in my throat. I've spent so much of my life feeling sorry for myself and these kids have nothing yet they are so ready to love and be loved. And Rebecca is way stronger than I ever gave her credit for.

"You like her don't you?" Becca says to me with a smirk breaking me out of my thoughts.

"She reminds me of myself before my mom left and before I became an angry person." I say with a half laugh.

"Wait you weren't always this dark and angry person?" Rebecca says to be in a mocking tone.

I take the pillow closest to me and hit her in face while we both start laughing.

I crawl up to the top bunk ready to sleep. I check my phone and see the missed calls, voicemails, and text messages. I sigh remembering the last 24 hours.

Some of these moments between Rebecca and Kami are my favorite

What do you think about momma?

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