Chapter 21

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Kami POV

I walk back into my apartment feeling a combination of exhaustion, giddiness, and heartache. This weekend has been long and eventful to say the least. I'm giddy thinking about the time I spent with Adam but my heart aches from being so many miles apart.

I walk in to see Becca examining a yellow and light pink summer dress on the mannequin.

"I like it." Becca jumps two feet in the air apparently I entered the apartment unnoticed and scared the shit out of her.

"You scared me." She keeps her eyes on the dress and hand over her chest. She's looking at it from one side to the other. I can see millions of thoughts swirling around in her mind. She looks at me briefly and back to her dress and then whips her head back to me like she just entered back into reality.

"Kami! I missed you. How are you?" She throws her arms around me to hug me as if I've been gone for a long time. I can sense something is off with her though, in her voice maybe. She breaks our hug first to look at me. "So tell me about Tex..." She studies my face but it's her red puffy eyes that have me concerned. "Kami Louise Cooper. Did you have sex?"

How does she do that? I can feel my cheeks flush. I hate how well she reads me.

"Tell me what's wrong with you first." I gesture for her to sit next to me on the couch.

"Oh nothing! I'm just so tired for working on the latest line for Willows. Need to catch up on my sleep."

"Is that dress going to be apart of the line?" I ask her looking up toward the mannequin in a sweet summer dress. It's not the usual look that Theresa demands. The light pinks and yellows, it reminds me of Bethany.

"No.. I, I just did that for no reason really." She laughs a little nervously.

"I still think you should start your own label." I say keeping my eyes on her dress. Not many of her dress designs have suited me but it's clear she has an undeniable talent for fashion that people would kill for.

I see her coming back to life. Back to my Becca. In her overly dramatic flare she slaps my thigh. "Tell me about Texas!" She gasps... "wait you went to Texas and came back with your sex glow.." I see her mind connecting the dots. She wants to say it but she's nervous.

So I say it for her. "Adam." With a fucking smile I can't prevent takes over my face.

She throws her hands over her mouth and squeals while kicking her feet in excitement.

"Tell me everything. And don't leave a single detail out!" As she rushes to grab us a bottle of wine and two glasses.

I laugh and begin recalling the evening and morning I spent with Adam. The things he said to me and the way I felt. I think I've been rambling on for an hour.

"Did you tell him you loved him?" She asks glaring at me already knowing the answer.

"No." I slump my shoulders. "I mean. I just .. I don't.. know..."

Becca holds her hand up. "Don't even try to deny it. This is me. You've literally been sulking for years."

I hit her shoulder and laugh "I haven't been that bad. Have I?"

She smiles... "You fell in love with him that day you spent together in Chicago. I could tell when you came home. And he fell in love with you ... I think that first night you met." She laughs

"He said he never stopped loving me." I tell her shyly

"I know he hurt you but I think the problem now is you." Becca narrows her eyes at me waiting for my reaction.

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