Chapter 18

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Kami POV

I follow Adam out the door of the gallery the air has changed just a bit with the evening. It's chilled but nothing like New York. Goosebumps fill my skin and I rub my arms to warm them. Adam scurries to take his suit jacket off and almost trips himself on the sidewalk. True to form he recovers much more graceful than I would of but I can't help to giggle as he wraps his jacket around me.

"I guess I'm a little nervous." He admits shyly and I can hear my heart beat bump up a notch at his confession.

"Me too." I pull his jacket closer to me so I can smell his scent on it. And it's heavenly just like I remembered.

I try to fiddle with my phone as we walk to get it working again. I've gotten a couple messages to come in so far. Hopefully it will work fine enough until I can get a new one next week.

We walk quietly side by side, almost touching but miles apart. I feel the nervousness swirling around us but there's a familiar comfort starting to sink back in.

I hope we don't have to walk too much further in these damn heels.

Adam must read my mind. "The place is just up there across the street." He raises his arm to point in the direction and his hand grazes mine. My cheeks immediately feel heated and I'm no longer thinking about the ache in my feet.

'Edge Rooftop + Bar' displays on the sign out front. We get into the building and head up the elevators to the rooftop. It's beautiful with an upscale and modern design style. The rooftop is well lit by string lights, lanterns, and propane fire pits. It gives it a charming and cozy appeal. We are led to a small circle of two comfy lounge chairs and a sofa with our own fire pit. Our eyes meet each other trying to gauge where we should sit. So I awkwardly plop down on one of the lounge chairs and Adam sits in the other one. It's private and romantic. The thought comes to me of how many dates he's taken here. Since I've learned he isn't with Amanda I'm obsessing on who he has dated.

"This place is beautiful. The view of Lady Bird Lake from here is breathtaking." I say to him while looking toward the river-like reservoir.

"Yeah it is. My buddy told me about this place it's kind of new. I've been wanting to check it out I was just waiting for the right time." He smiles at me through golden lights from the lanterns and the fire. He looks dangerous and beautiful.

We get our drinks and both take a long swig hoping to calm the nerves.

"You look absolutely stunning tonight Kami. I've wanted tell you that since I fff..finally laid eyes on you again." He stumbles the words out shifting in his chair.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

He looks sexy and grown up. A different man sitting here than the young man I fell in love with in Chicago. He's calm and cool as always but there is something else I'm picking up that I can't place. My mind keeps wandering to him kissing me down my neck. I have to squeeze my thighs together for relief. Get it together Kami Cooper!

"So, tell me about Texas." I ask to distract my wandering mind that has turned into a new sexual being.

"Well.....right before I graduated I was contacted by two men who had started an investment firm here. They were quickly growing and becoming a competitor in the market. After some back and forth with them they officially offered me a position here. I partly took it just to piss my dad off since he had cut me off for not marrying Amanda. So..."

I choke on my drink. "Wait. What?"

"My father. That day...... um, well I told him everything right in front of Amanda. I told them what she did and my father still insisted I marry her or I'd be cut off. So I moved out of my apartment and then came here to work after graduation. It could have been an empty threat but honestly I have to thank you. If it wasn't for you and... ffa .... I just don't think I would of opened my eyes to a world outside of his bubble."

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