Chapter 24

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Adam POV

Watching Kami walk down the aisle did something to me. I knew I was in love with her but she consumes my entire being. I see my whole future just by looking at her. Everything else around her disappears and all I see is her.

She looks stunning. Her light brown hair curled and pinned up out of her beautiful face. Her green and hazel eyes find mine almost immediately and for a second I can feel her love for me. She isn't willing to share it yet... and it's completely okay, I'll wait.

As she is taking family photos I see her smiling but I can feel her ache. I can only imagine how much she missing Beth today. I walk over to them slowly. I want to grab her and squeeze her and remind her it's okay to feel however she needs to today.

But there, standing next to the most beautiful girl in the world, is the man who raised her. I don't think I've felt this nervous in awhile. I stuff my hands into my pockets to prevent myself from grabbing her.

Her dad sees me first and I hear his deep voice "is this the fella?"

When he asked me if I was good enough for his daughter. I wanted to say fuck no but didn't want to curse on my first introduction. I meant it though, I'm not good enough for her but she makes me want to be good enough and I will die trying.

After meeting her dad I get to meet Abigail. She is a cutie that I've heard so much about. Kami is a total different person with Abi and not in a bad or fake way. Her toughness crumbles around Abi, yet she would fight to the death to protect her. I watched the two of them dance and giggle throughout the evening. It is a beautiful bond. I think Kami sees herself in Abigail. Abi was handed an incredibly difficult upbringing but Kami is determined to watch her thrive.

Momma is quite the woman as Kami said she was. I can see where Becca gets her loud and over the top personality. Looking at Momma, Becca, and Abi; these are the women in Kami's life, the ones that have helped mend her and shape her into the extraordinary person she is today. I'm thankful for them, so much.

I stand back from the crowd sipping on my whiskey thinking that less than a month ago I felt so incomplete.

"Adam, how are you man?" A familiar voice walks up to me, Jason.

"I'm doing well, and you?" I ask him taking his hand for a firm handshake.

"I'm good man. It's good to see you." He pats me on the back and for some reason it surprises me

"So you and Becca? I didn't see that one coming." I laugh and his eyes lights up at the mention of her name.

"She is amazing. Beautiful, talented, funny, verrry spunky!" He laughs at his own words. "I'm worried about her though. Every since she got that phone call from her mom."

He sees the confusion in my face. "You know. The mysterious woman that gave birth to her. Somehow found her and called her. It totally freaked Becca out. The woman wants to meet her in person."

"Oh wow... that's crazy... Kami hadn't told me that yet. What is Becca going to do?" I see Jason shuffle his feet and it's like a lightbulb went off. I'm thinking he wasn't suppose to share this information.

"I don't mean to pry. It's none of my business." I tell him noticing his discomfort.

"Yeah, well I suppose I need to give you a lecture." This makes me feel uneasy. "Kami and I have gotten close over the years. She is one of my best friends. And I will always protect her." He finally meets my eyes. "Just don't hurt her man, I've never seen her smile as much as she has lately."

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