Chapter 13

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Adam POV

I can't believe it's been almost 3 years since I moved back to Texas. I often think of Chicago and about the most complicated girl that stole my heart. I wonder what she is like now. We've talked a few times in the last couple years only by text or email. Mainly just birthdays. Speaking of, her birthday is in two days.

I've made amends with my family sort of. My father disagrees with me working for the competition but I don't care. My brother, Ryan, is learning the ropes and I think will do quite fine taking over for father. My little sister is in college. She seems to be the wild one that I worry the most about. My mother is thankful that I visit her after everything that happened back in Chicago.

I've worked my ass off the last couple years to become one of the three investment managers here at B & B Investments. Named after the co-founders, Brandon Banks and Bryan Bennett. Since starting here we've created quite the portfolio and quickly have become known as one of the top investing firms in Texas. We even earned the fastest growing business award last year. To say this has pissed my father off is an understatement and one of my driving forces to be the first one in the office and last one to leave.

I was invited to the gala in New York City tonight where my family will he making an appearance. Just for appearance purposes. I think that's what has always annoyed me about those events. It's mainly for rich people to mingle and brag to other rich people and raise money for causes to look like they give a damn.

I know Kami is in NYC it makes me smile thinking of her at gala like the one tonight. She would of course be stunning an evening gown but I can imagine her poking fun at some of the attendees.

I went to New York once after she moved there. I think she had barely been there for 3 months. I couldn't take it anymore being apart from her. I told my boss that I was thinking of moving to New York to win back the woman I loved. I was fucking miserable and he knew it. To my surprise, my boss is a softy, and said they were thinking of opening a firm there and that I would have a job. So I packed some shit and headed to New York. I'm not sure what I was thinking but I knew she was in school so I figured I would find her. I would bare my soul and literally do anything to have her back in my life.

To my surprise, I did find her, I was waiting outside of campus for her. Giddy as a fucking child.... But I didn't expect to see her with Jason. Jason, who was obsessed with her in Chicago. They were leaving campus laughing and in their own little world. She looked so....happy....carefree... she was of course beautiful as always but there was something about her. Like she had found herself with him.

My heart broke that day. I was way too arrogant thinking she would be happy to see me. So I guess it was the closure I needed to move on. To see her happy and with someone else. For me moving on was burying myself in my job.

I still take photos and collect different photography pieces even some paintings. There is a gallery opening up downtown for new artist to submit their work to be put on display. I sent in a couple photographs just to see what would happen but I haven't heard back.

Are you coming tonight????

My sister Izzy texted me.

Nope. I just left work. Almost home. You have fun with mom and dad.

I send back to her, laughing to myself. She gets just as annoyed with their fake appearances as I do.

Ugh. Finnnnnnnnne. But you know you should get out more. You have no life.

Ouch. Sister with the daggers

Bear and I have a life just fine, thank you.
I send it with a picture of me and Bear, my dog.

He's a smaller than normal black lab so I started calling him Bear, kind of as a joke and it stuck.

That's sad. What if she comes tonight? She lives in the city right?

I know my sister is not trying to bring up Kami. Who she doesn't even know personally. Just from her oldest brother pouring his heart out to his sister after a couple classes of whiskey. I called Izzy when I returned to Texas after finding Kami in New York with Jason. Last time I'll confide in her.

Have fun tonight Izzy.

That pain in the ass gets my mind wandering. I walk to my bedroom closet and grab an old box that I've had tucked away. It's the photos of Kami, I took years ago. So beautiful. And this...this is my favorite possession of hers. I feel that familiar ache in my chest looking at it. What am I doing? Why do I still have all this? I just need to get rid of them. I toss them in a corner in my room and roll my eyes at my sad excuse of a life.

I guess Izzy isn't wrong.

I go to the living room to eat my takeout and watch some TV. I check my email quickly and there is an email from the gallery downtown. They loved my photos and would like to feature more on February 20th. That's two days from now! That's Kami's birthday and that's a really short notice.

Maybe that's what I need to do to get rid of some of those photos. I should probably ask Kami before I use them.

Thank you for including me in the feature. Give me the details and I'll be there.

I write an email back to the lady from the gallery. I then decide to contact Kami. Last time I heard from her on my birthday she sent me an email. I suppose I could try her email.

Hey Kami.
I know it's been awhile but I wanted to let you know I was accepted to be featured in a new gallery downtown. I have some photos from our time together. I would like to use them. I really hope that's okay. Let me know if it isn't. If you'd like to come that would be great.... I understand if not. February 20th 6pm.

I send her the email quick with the address and the thought crosses my mind. What if she actually does come or what if she comes and brings Jason to rub it in my face?


Adam went to NY to find her!??
But he saw her with Jason. These two have the worst timing!

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