Chapter 28

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Adam POV

As soon as I entered the woods I heard the sirens of police finally arriving. I hear Jason in the distance yelling to me after I ignored his phone calls. Something is in this woods, I just know it. I go to turn back toward the house that I can no longer see and something catches my eye. A red piece of fabric. I pick it up and twirl it between my fingers... I have no idea what Kami was even wearing yesterday. I don't know if I even asked Becca or not..

My eyes begin to fill with tears again as I head back toward Jason's yelling.

Once I get back to pavement I'm alarmed by the amount of flashing lights and commotion.

"I've been calling for you for 5 minutes!" Jason walks toward me, his face is red and full of anger

He watches my eyes as I scan everything that is around us. I'm grateful for this turn out but I feel like I'm missing something.

Jason speaks up before I can ask. "Your dad somehow pulled some strings and got the police to check out Alan's house in the city...."

It's amazing how far my father's money can go but this time I can't be more thankful. "Okay.. and.."

Jason clears his throat and I immediately panic.

"Did they find her?" I bark at him harshly

"No man... um.... Alan is sick. He has been medicated his whole life. A couple instances he's gone off his meds and it makes him go into some kind of a manic state....he hasn't been taking his meds for roughly 3 months now... they found pictures of Kami... in his house... pictures of her daily routines... they seem to think he'd been watching her. Enough pictures to assume he had become obsessed on who she was with.... even before he stopped taking his medication. He had written out plans to force her to love him... they have reason to believe he got his hands on some sort of drug to keep her incoherent and to bring her here ...."

"But she isn't fucking here Jason!"

"I know that, but there is a hunting cabin on the land. It is being surrounded right now. Adam, he planned on.... ya know.... and then a ....murder suicide."

Everything goes numb. All the sounds around me have turned to a constant buzz as a thick fog surrounds my vision. This can't be it.. we were just getting started.

I start to feel my stomach bile rise as I think of what he could have already done in nearly 24 hours. I vomit the little bit of acid and water I have in me.

Chatter begins to pick up in the radios of the police officers. I hear someone say they have a figure in their sights up by the road.

I feel a surge of adrenaline pump through my body allowing me to run towards the road. I hear officers and medics rattle off a number of things "stand down it could be her." "The sound is coming from over there." "Medics get ready." "On stand by"

I burst through the line of people standing on the road facing the woods.

And then I see her. I see Kami stumble and fall onto the road. My entire body ignites and aches all at once for what I'm seeing. I run to her and plow over the officer that tried holding me back.

I fall down next to her and scoop her up into my lap. "Adam?" Her body goes completely limp once she is in my arms. She is ice cold and filthy. It only makes me wonder what she has truly gone through in the last 24 hours. I bring her head closer to mine to kiss her forehead. I wipe the hair and dirt out of her face. And something catches my eye in the woods. Just a faded glimpse of something pink and yellow.... I'm not sure.

I focus on Kami trying to scan her for injuries. The EMTs surround us to get her up on to a stretcher. I'm being pushed out of the way when I here Kami yell for me. "ADAM!" her eyes are wide as tears stream down her face. I squeeze her hand to let her know I'm there and not going anywhere. The EMTs allow me to keep hold of her hand and work around me. They don't even say a word to me. I think we all are in shock.

Before I take my seat in the ambulance I look back towards the massive woods and wonder how she ever found her way out.

We get to the hospital to waiting nurses and doctors. They continue checking her vitals and I hear someone ask about sexual assault. My whole body buckles at the thought of her being violated like that.

They force me to wait in the waiting room. I pace the room back and forth for what feels like forever when I look up to see familiar faces.

Jason and Becca, arm in arm. My father and mother. And of course, Izzy.

My mother gets to me first taking me in a tight hug I didn't know I needed.

"What's the news son?" My father asks

"I don't know. They won't let me in. They won't even fucking talk to me because I'm not family!" I raise my voice hoping they heard me.

And then a big voice from behind them speaks up. "Oh YES you are!" Kami's dad finally made it. He walks passed everyone and puts a hand on my shoulder. "How ya holding up fella?" He says to me. I just shake my head. I'm sure my appearance speaks for itself.

"I'm Kami's father. And we need some answer on Kami Cooper!" Her dad directs his question to a receptionist. Before the lady can speak a doctor walks out to us.

"Kami's family?" We all nod our heads. Suddenly quiet. "Kami suffered a major blow to the head. We are running some scans now to check for any bleeding on the brain. She has a severe concussion and is being given fluids to treat her dehydration and to aid the drugs out of her system. She is very lucky. She is quite the fighter. She really needs to rest but I'm afraid she will not until we allow Adam in her room. Are you Adam?"

The doctor directs his attention to me. I'm still taking in everything he said about her head and a possible brain bleed. But then he says she is asking for me. I feel like my feet are glued in place, my body frozen in fear.

"Yes sir. This dummy is Adam." Her dad speaks up and I give him a side smirk to thank him.

I walk into the room and see a beautiful angel lying in bed. Her eyes flutter open when she feels me close.

"Adam.." a tear falls from her eye but I catch it with a kiss.

"I'm here baby." She is cleaned up now and looks a little more peaceful. But she is all hooked up to monitors that keep beeping, it is a sight I never want to have to see again.

A nurse comes in. "This the boy you been going on and on about?" I see a small smile across Kami's lips. I assume she's only spoken my name. She seems quite out of it to speak too much.

"I'm Sandy, I'll be Kami's nurse for the evening. Once I get her vitals recorded I'll let the rest of the family come in one at a time for 5 minutes because she needs to rest."

"I understand. Thank you ...but you do know I'll be in here all night I'm not leaving her side." I look at Kami lying on the hospital bed as she drifts in and out of sleep. I look back up to meet Sandy's eyes

"Yeah, I figured as much, young love. I'll let you stay here because I know that's what she needs. And she's been through hell." Sandy takes her eyes to Kami and I see the pity in them.

It is late now everyone comes in to kiss her forehead and give her I love you's. Kami sleeps through it all.

Sandy has graciously given me a pillow and blanket. I scoot the uncomfortable hospital chair as close to Kami's bed as possible and drift off to sleep while watching her.


Kami is safe back w Adam.
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Only a couple more chapters :(

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