Chapter 1

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Adam POV

Right after those words left Amanda's lips "I'm his fiancé," I knew I had lost Kami forever.

Maybe I could of done something different. Maybe I should of told Kami the situation with Amanda before we got so close. Or maybe I should of let Kami go months ago, but I tried that and I couldn't stop thinking about her.

How could I get her to see it isn't what she thinks? Would she even believe me?

As soon as the elevator door shut I wanted to vomit.

"What the fuck AMANDA?" I slam my fist into the wall....

"Sweetheart, what has gotten in to you?" My sweet southern belle mother has never seen me like this.

I'm pacing back and forth. My entire body is heated.

"Son, you need to calm down." My father has the audacity to speak.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do ONE more time." I yell pointing my finger in his face.

I can see the shock and horror on my poor mom's face.

"Why are you guys even here? I was suppose to be coming home soon." I say looking to the three of them. Fighting back the tears that are now creeping in. I keep looking toward the elevator just hoping she comes back up.

My mother is the first to speak. "Son, I was so worried about you. You didn't come home. You kept skipping my calls. My goodness, I just lost my mother only a couple months ago and my first born son has forgotten about me." She says holding a hand over her heart with tears streaming down her face.

I feel like an ass but I had to avoid her. All she wanted to do was talk about the 'soon to be wedding' that wasn't going to actually happen.

"Well I guess now we know why you've deserted us. It's because of some redneck whore!" Amanda screams.

I see red. "You bitch." I say through my teeth. And then my sweet mother walks over, looks me directly in the eye and slaps me across the face. I feel the burn of her contact.

I grab my cheek to rub the pain. Guess it's time to rip the band aid off mom!

"Amanda and I aren't engaged. She lied. I never proposed. I broke up with her!" My voice raises. "I don't want to be with such a selfish shallow person. She faked the engagement BECAUSE I broke up with her!" I yell out

"Amanda is this true?" My mother looks over shocked.

"If you ever call the woman I've fallen in love with a redneck whore again I will unleash every dirty fucking secret I have on you." I threatened Amanda with all the anger that's building inside of me.

My father, who has been unusually quiet speaks with authority. "I've heard enough here. You are coming home. I will not have this nonsense coming from you. Clearly this college and city and girl has brain washed you. I will call the movers." He reaches for his phone.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me? I'm not leaving. I'm not brain washed. I'm seeing quite clear for the first time in my life." I say to him with confidence.

"If you don't agree to come home I'm afraid I will have to cut you off, son." He speaks with such ease about dumping me on my ass at the first time I've ever crossed him.

"Richard....." my mom gasps

"Mary, this boy needs to be taught a lesson. He is embarrassing his family with his nonsense!" As he waves his hands in the air. "You will marry Amanda or you will inherit nothing." He finishes his rant.

I'm in disbelief at this man in front me. Disowning me over his best friends daughter's hand in marriage.

"You need to leave." I say to them.

"No son, you need to leave. I pay the rent and the bills. You have 48 hours." He says while guiding my mom and Amanda toward the door.

I can hear the small cries coming from my mother has she steps in the elevator. She gives me one more plea. "Adam, please come home."

The door shuts and I grab my phone. Frantically calling Kami. No answer. I plead to her in voicemail and text message to call me back. I do the same to Becca's phone. Nothing.

I grab the whiskey.

Obviously this is right after Kami heard Amanda say she was his fiancé.

What do you think of Adam's parents? Do you think he'll settle for being cut off? Also he said THE WOMAN IVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH!

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