Chapter 31

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2 months later- June
Adam POV

I wake up in bed to Kami crying.

"What! What's wrong?" I ask in my sleepy panicked state.

She pushes the covers down to show me the pool of blood between her legs as she clenches her stomach.

"The baby..." she says in sobs.

I jump out of bed and scoop her up to take her to the bathroom. She cries as I gently wipe the blood from her legs, trying to hide my own tears from her.

I stand up in front of her wiping her tears away. "I need to take you to the hospital." I whisper to her as she nods her head into my neck.

We both know what the blood means. I take her to the hospital and our assumptions are confirmed. We lost the heartbeat that we had just heard and fallen in love with 2 months ago.

I carry her back into the house and lay with her on the couch. We both cry for someone we never met but loved more than ourselves.

As the days and weeks went out Kami slowly came back to life but the little one we lost was never far from our thoughts.

During the healing process Kami accepted a position as an art teacher at the elementary school. Who would of thought Kami would become a teacher to 'tiny humans.' She will start in the fall.

I have been able to work from home for the investment firm since I left Texas but they want to expand and officially open an office here for me to run.

We got a call from Momma last month. She was worried she was getting to old to care properly for Abigail and she wondered if we would take her in permanently. It was without hesitation that we would take Abi as our own. I think Kami was always met to be a mother to Abigail. We have officially adopted her as of yesterday. Abi has filled our hearts in between where the broken pieces are. Today is Abi and Kami's first day at their new school. I'm not sure who is more nervous

"Abigail get your ass down here!" I hear Kami nervously yell up the stairs. I laugh as I sip my coffee.

"What?" She looks at me and gives me the 'don't fuck with me' look that I love.

"Oh nothing." I say holding up my free hand in defeat

Abi comes strolling in the kitchen her red hair an unruly mess. The older she gets the curlier it becomes and Kami has no clue what to do with it.

"Did you brush your hair?" Kami ask her already knowing the answer

"Ummm..." Abi looks to me for help

"You're on your own kid." I tell her as she sticks her tongue out and runs back toward the stairs

"Little 8 year old girls are fun." I say amused

"I'm almost 9!!" I hear Abi yell from half way up the steps.

"Ugh." Kami covers her face with her hands. I hand her her coffee and kiss the tip of her nose.

Kami POV

Since we've adopted Abigail we decided to become foster parents.

The two most important women in my life were adopted and in foster care so it just became clear. Adam and I had the capability to open our home to children who needed it. So that's what we did.

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