Chapter 2

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Kami POV

Bethany is more excited for my birthday than I am. Every year we do the same thing. Sleep over at my house and stay up as late as we possibly can. It's my 16th  birthday so you'd think we'd change it up but nope! Dad is working late as always. And mom has been gone for 2 years now

"Okay open it up already!!" She practically screams while bouncing up and down clasping her hands together. I tear the wrapping paper off gingerly mostly to annoy her. "Seriously!?"  She says with her hand on her hip. Finally I get the paper torn off and open the tiny box. Bethany now fidgeting her fingers waiting for my response. It's a beautiful key chain with a tiny puzzle piece. The inscription reads "side by side or miles apart best friends like us stay close in heart." It makes me smile and feel warm instantly.

"I figured since we both will be driving now you needed a key chain and no matter what we are always close in our hearts!" She says to me with tears in her eyes while pulling me in for a hug.

"Kami...Kami what happened?" Rebecca's concerned voice pulls me out of my head. I'm not sure how long I've been driving since I left Adam's apartment.

"Kami are you going to tell me what happened? You've just been playing with that keychain for an hour. You have me worried." Rebecca pleading for something out of me.

I hadn't realized I'd been twirling the key chain Bethany gifted me on my 16th birthday through my fingers. An attempt to feel her close to me. "He is engaged." I say to her flatly. I'm not even looking at her but I know tears are filling her eyes.

"Pull over!" She demands with a crack in her voice. I pull off to the side of the road and it finally settles in to my body. The reality of what I just said.

"The reason he freaked out after the first time he kissed me. The reason he gave me whip lash wanting to be around me and then avoiding me. The constant ringing on his phone was his soon to be wife. I even asked him who Amanda was and he said his sister. I'm stupid." Tears are flowing out of my eyes and my knuckles have turned white from squeezing the steering wheel so hard. Rebecca pulls me toward her. She's leaned over the middle console holding me and crying with me.

"I can't believe he would do that to you. I'm so so sorry." She says wiping my tears "do you want to go back home? You don't have to come meet my family today."

I really wanted to skip out so I could be alone but something was pulling me not to let her down. "I will take you home but I probably won't stay as long as I had planned." I tell her

"I totally understand." She says.

We have another 2 hours to drive so I pull back out on to the road.

We've been driving for an hour and half since I pulled over so we are getting close. Rebecca can hardly contain her excitement. She has picked up the chit chat. Talking a mile a minute about her entire family and warning me of how loud and personable they are. Which makes me laugh because I live with her.

I see her fidgeting her fingers into her bright purple knee length dress. Snow will not stop this girl from wearing an ugly dress though it probably makes it easier with her broken leg. At least its long sleeve. It has some sort of design on the hem of the skirt. Thoughts of her dresses are a welcome distraction in my mind.

But I know there is something on the tip of her tongue and I know she is treading lightly wanting to ask me something.

"Go ahead say it." I say out loud without even looking at her.

"It's just... Adam hasn't stopped calling you or me. Do you think maybe he has an explanation or maybe it isn't what it seems..." she very shakily suggests.

I take a deep breath. I really really want to punch something. "How can you explain a fiancé when you took my virginity 24 hours ago?" I say to her as calmly as I can.

"I get it. I do. And I hate him for lying and hurting you. But he's clearly not too worried about her if he won't stop calling you!"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?. "I'm done talking about this with you!" I growl at her. Knowing I said 'with you' in a tone to hurt her.

"Left turn. First house up on the right." She says directing me with her shoulders slumped over.

I know I just hurt her but fuck.

"Ugh, I'm sorry! I just don't want to hear it right now." I say through a clenched jaw while putting the car in park in the driveway of her childhood home. Or I assume it's her childhood home.

"My mom ran out on my dad all the time. She said she always had a 'friend' and it was nothing. She finally left with one of those 'friends' leaving destruction behind her."

I take a deep breath.

"How am I any better than her 'special friends?'" Tears threaten me again.

"Kami, that's not even close to the similar situation. You can't possibly blame yourself for this. At the risk of upsetting you I will say this, and only out of love. I think you should speak to him to at least get closer." I know she is probably right about closer but I can't stomach the thought of hearing his voice knowing he isn't mine.

Thankfully I'm saved by her family beginning to exit their house in an excitement to see her.

And wow does she have a large family.

It's Christmas break now officially

*is Rebecca getting more ballsy with Kami? Are you ready to meet this girls family? What happens next for Kami? For Adam?

Check back tomorrow 10/5/20

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