Chapter 9-May

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5 months later- May

Kami POV

Our dorm door flies open and Becca jumps through it.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" She is jumping up and down clapping her hands and screeching.

"What the hell is going on?" I laugh

"I got it! I got the internship! Me! They picked my designs!"

I literally chocked on my saliva and starting coughing uncontrollably. You've got to be fucking kidding.

She stops jumping and puts her hands on her hips. "Are you seriously fake choking?" She rolls her eyes. "Okay. I know YOU hate my designs but you know nothing of fashion." She says with that sass attitude

"No......" I can't help but laugh. I'm fucking caught red-handed. "It's... just..." fuck I can't stop laughing.

"You bitch." She sticks her tongue out at me

"I'm sorry. I'm so happy for you! Seriously! So what does that mean?" I ask her but I already know and I have a surprise of my own.

She gestures me to sit down next to her.

"Well it means I'm heading to New York to finish school there and start my internship but I've already done some research and you can finish school there too." She says so calmly and like her to be thinking 10 steps ahead

"Well actually Ms. Russo submitted some of my work to New York and a few places abroad because you know, she's 'worried about my future'." I roll my eyes. "She sent a recommendation as well."

"Annnnnnnd..." Becca says sitting at the edge of her seat.

"Well.... I guess....."

"What is it! Just say it!" She demands

"Looks like we are moving to New York." I say while shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly

She jumps up again. "What ! Are you freaking serious! Ahhhhhhh." She lets out a scream and wraps her arms around me.

"Okay okay. If you don't chill out I'm not going." I laugh

She smacks my shoulder. "Oh my god we have so much to do. Thankfully I've already looked at some apartments close to campus."

"Oh course you have." I say rolling my eyes again

"I was going to force you with me no matter what." She says with as much authority as she can

These five months have been hard I've missed Adam every step of the way. We have small conversations here and there.

Since we parted ways I've focused on 'fixing myself.' I have continued therapy passed my probation requirements. Yes, I'm a free woman! Jessica, my therapist is as annoying as ever but I do feel different. I'm feeling lighter.

I took to heart what my dad said back on Christmas break. And I've been working on letting my anger and guilt go so I don't end up like my mother. I started running. I know how cliche but it has helped.

As for Adam. Jessica suggests the pressures of his family have caused him to not be able to make decisions for himself. And I've have to agree with that. She believes he couldn't see past what his family had been forcing on him since we was young and he was caught between what he wanted and what had been planned out for him. Though that is something he'd have to deal with on his own. It makes me feel like I understand him more and I can let go of some of the hurt he caused.

Since Bethany died I had been living in this fog that I didn't even realize. But I'm feeling that fog lift and it's like I'm seeing things for the first time.

We are still working on my triggers with loud beeps and flashing lights. But I'm feeling like me for the first time in my life. I feel like maybe I can finally see beyond the flashing lights.

Adam POV

Today I graduate with a degree that would make me look like I'm capable of taking over my father's business. But I'm not going to.

I've already been offered a position to a competitive firm in Austen Texas. So I'm going back home sort of.

I haven't heard from Kami in awhile. She still consumes me and I get through by believing one day she'll find her way back to me.

It was hard to make the decision to take a job in Texas while Kami is still in Chicago.

I know it's graduation day. Congratulations! And good luck. Don't fall down on stage :)

Literally my heart skips a fucking beat every time she texts me.

Hahaha thanks for that. If I fall I'm blaming you! ;)

I send back just as quickly as hers came in. So she knows I'm at her beck and call

She responds...
Hahaha ;)

I want to continue and text her all freaking day but the conversations are always short. To my surprise more bubbles pop up.... and then quickly disappear. Fuck. What was she going to say. I wait five more minutes and nothing! So infuriating. That woman.

Kami POV

I know it's graduation day so I text Adam congratulations and tell him not to fall down. We've texted a few times over the last five months but never long conversations.

I go to tell him about New York but I decide against it. I'm sure he saw the bubbles pop up and disappear and is probably a little pissed. But telling him I was leaving to New York while
He's still in Chicago would be hard.


So Kami and Adam think they are leaving the other behind in Chicago. But really they will be even further away.

Can we believe that Becca's designers were recognized? Adam is going to work for his dad's competition... we love this right?

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