Chapter 12-Feburary

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Almost 3 Years Later

Kami POV

I get back in from my run to shower before work. And if I hurry I can beat Jason to the shower.

I'm letting the hot water burn my skin while I day dream. Then banging on the bathroom door interrupts me!

"KAMI! What the hell? How early do you wake up?" Jason is yelling at me. I just laugh and move even slower.

What are the odds that a couple months after we moved here, I bumped in to an old friend. Like literally smacked into him, almost broke his nose. Ya know me, always graceful.

He ended up in New York to further his film education and begin his career; he's doing pretty well for himself. He's mostly worked in marketing for businesses to create commercials and other advertising tools. I've gotten to go watch him in action and it's incredible!

I invited him to Becca and I's apartment for dinner the day we ran into each other. We left campus to get coffee and just got caught up in each other's lives. I could tell he didn't look at me the way he use to, which was a relief because I did not want to go down that road. BUT the moment he walked through the door that night, Becca lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. They both did. It was like fate or some stupid shit Becca says. They have been inseparable ever since.

So now, the three of us live in a tiny New York apartment with one bathroom. It's cozy.

I get ready for work in my navy blue dress slacks and cream color blouse. It was 'okayed' by Becca so I guess that means it's fine. I usually have to wear skirts to work which I hate but since it's February in NY, pants it is!

I walk out to the kitchen to grab my coffee and Becca is sitting in the middle of the floor. Her blonde hair is in a knotted mess. Her eyes are baggy. She has tape measures and fabric pieces scattered everywhere and a sewing machine that's practically falling apart. Basically she looks like shit and she's sitting in the middle of a tornado of 'fashion.'

"What the hell Becca?" I say stepping over her trying not to fall.

"Whhh..what." She rubs her eyes like I just fucking woke her up. "Oh sorry. I have a deadline to make so Theresa doesn't murder me." She says while yawning and stretching.

Theresa is her boss. She is the creator and designer behind 'Willows'. A high-end, up and coming brand for the New York elite. Although it seems to me Becca does most of the work with the least amount of credit.

Jason walks out in his towel from his shower that was probably cold because according to these two I take all the hot water. "Could you please put on clothes?" I beg him like I have to everyday.

He looks down at Becca and kneels to kiss her on the forehead. "That Woman is killing you Bec." He's shorten her already nickname but I do find it kind of endearing. Okay, they are actually pretty cute together. I mean in an eye roll make me want to puke sometimes sort of way.

"I'm finnnnne. I just need coffee." She says looking at both of us trying to convince us that her dreadful boss is worth all this. "I'll get it for you babe." Jason says to her darting to the kitchen, that's two feet away. Standard New York apartment.

"Okay guys I'm headed to the gallery and then I'll be late I'm going to that event tonight with Alan."

"Ooooh boss man wants you on his arm tonight at the gala." Jason teases.

"No. It's for work. It's a silent auction with lots of expensive art up for bidding. So he needs me there."

"Mmmhmmm." I hear Becca say as she sips her coffee.

I roll my eyes and walk out the door.

This city is electric. I remember thinking how alive Chicago was, New York City is like Chicago on steroids. When I look back on my first year of school there I can't not think of Adam. The first and last time I actually fell in love. Just the thought of his golden eyes makes my heart skip a beat, even after all this time. I wonder if he looks as good now as he did then. Actually, assuming he is married now to Amanda. I hope he's gotten fat. I laugh at my childish thoughts.

I get to the gallery early and unlock it. This place is probably my favorite place in the City. Alan Roberts inherited the gallery from his family or more likely they forced him to take it over thinking it would make him grow up. He is not even 30 and knows nothing of art. That's where I come in with my handy Arts degree that I earned early and my love for art history. I'm what you would call an Art Broker. I work with collectors and Alan to locate the adequate pieces for their collection or help them sell what's already in their collection.

In the last year I've gotten to travel all over looking at all kinds of art. Alan hired me before I even finished school so it was definitely a push to finish early. Jason, Becca, and I all finished early to begin working and it's paid off. It's really the dream job. Alan likes to look out for new artists hoping to discover and launch someone's career. Which would be noble if it wasn't for him just wanting the recognition.

Alan is 27. Tall. Lean built. Dark hair. Dark green eyes. And always a little stubble on his face that is perfectly manicured. He is the guy that cares more about his looks then just about anything else. The magazines claim he is one of New York's most eligible bachelors. I say he is just Alan. Everywhere we go together there are cameras hoping to get a story about him. I've been featured a couple times as his mystery girlfriend which couldn't be further from the truth.

"Good morning Miss Cooper, you look lovely today." Alan walks in behind me startling me as he places his hand on my lower back and kisses my cheek.

"Good morning Alan. How are you today?" I ask him ignoring his affection, as always.

"I'm great! Are you ready for the gala tonight?" He asks traveling his eyes up and down my body.

"Yes I will meet you there." I say frankly as I begin my morning tasks

"Nonsense. I will be there at 7 to pick you up. Edgar will drive us." Meeting my eyes he doesn't look away until I agree.

"Fine. But ya know I can drive if you don't know how." I crack a joke because he knows how I feel about him having a 'personal driver' at his beck and call.

Over the top.

"Always the jokester Miss Cooper." He winks and walks away.

AN: I hope you notice the time jump in the beginning. It was always part of my plan before I had such interest in this story so I hope it doesn't flop with the readers.

Kami has her dream job. What do we think about her boss Alan?

I believe we will meet some interesting people at the gala...

Keep reading and thank you for the support!

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