Chapter 6

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 8, 2020. I'm so sorry for the last chapter. To be perfectly honest, I was debating taking his possession out entirely, but there would be no conflict without it. Y/n losing her virginity was a good way to advance the plot and to tease you, yes, it will come up again and will actually be pretty consequential in the plot. I am truly sorry that I had to put you all through that. Then again, Season 3 isn't a lot of fun.

Also, I want to say that I know it seems that I'm not doing a lot of original plotwork, but I actually spend about an hour of my day rewatching episodes for accuracy, and I watch it with a journal and spend another 30 minutes corresponding and rearranging plot points so that Y/n can be in multiple climactic scenes at once.

Warnings: Panic Attack

Billy screams and runs up the stairs. Blood and sweat matte his hair and soak through his clothes. 

He runs to the phone booth, and calls the first number that comes to mind.

"Hello, Byers Residence, this is Y/n," Y/n's voice sings sweetly in his ears. Billy is unable to say anything. He's fully submersed in a panic attack. He flashes back to what he saw.

A disgusting monster pulling it's pulverised body towards him.

It's mouth opening up to reveal razor sharp teeth and pieces and limbs of rats. 

A tongue latching onto Billy's face and muffling his screams.

"Hello?" Y/n's voice rings out.

"Y/n," he pants. 

"Billy? Are you ok? What is happening?" She asks frantically. 

Suddenly, the world almost flickers, and he is transported into a different world that looks just like Hawkins, but darker. Particles float around him. The outline of a group of people come towards Billy. 

"What do you want? Hey! I said, what do you want? I said, what do you want?" He yells. 

The figure in front of everyone else reveals itself. Billy gasps and staggers backwards. It's him.

"To build," Other Billy says in a demonic voice. 

"Build? Build what?" He asks frantically. "Build what?!"


Y/n puts on her bathing suit and grabs her keys. After the abrupt call from Billy, she needs to check if he's ok. She scribbles down a note for her mother telling her where she went in case Joyce gets home early from Melvald's. 

Hopping on her motorcycle, she heads to the pool. When she gets there, the mother's are there, as per usual. They glare at her angrily, as well as Heather, who is the other life guard. Y/n makes sure to walk right past them. She hears the soft gasps as they see the marks Billy left on her last night. 

She smirks quietly to herself. Sitting down on a lounge chair, she spots a Billy stumbling towards the storage closet. Confused, she gets up and follows him. 

Turning the corner, Y/n sees Billy placing a bleach container down, as if he were drinking from it. "Billy?" She calls out. He stiffens, but doesn't turn aroud. 

"Billy, are you ok? After you called me this morning I was so worried about you. If it was something I did last night, I'm sorry."

He still says nothing. "Billy?" She calls out again. "Billy, it's me. It's Y/n. You're ok."

He whips around. Sweat drenches his face and hair. "Stay away from me, Y/n." He walks past her. Y/n scoffs and marches towards him.

"What the heck? We made an agreement. You have to tell me what is going on. If you need some space alone, you tell me. If you want to talk," she softens. "You tell me. Billy, you promised me communication."

She takes his hand in hers gently. His face softens as well, as if he has come back into his own body. "I'm sorry. It's," he pauses. "My dad."

Y/n nods. She was told about his father's abusive tendancies. Y/n pulls him into a hug and strokes his back. "It'll be ok. You know you're always welcome in my house." She presses a kiss to his cheek. He smiles weakly at her.

She squeezes his arm reassuringly and heads to grab her stuff. Getting back on her motorcycle, Y/n speeds off to Starcourt.


Y/n sits on the counter with Robin. "I just don't know what's up with him. He felt like he had a fever, but I don't not believe him when he says it was his dad." She sits up, sighing. "I don't know."

Robin nods. "This is why you need to come over to my side," she says with a wink. Y/n laughs. "I might have to."

Y/n is the only person that knows she's gay. They connected instantly and Y/n was extremely supportive. 

Dustin walks through the doors. Y/n beams at him. "Hi," he greets to Robin.


"I'm Dustin."

"I'm Robin." She points to her name tag.

"Pleasure to meet you. Uh, is... is he here?" Dustin asks, looking around. 

"Is who here?" Y/n snickers behind Robin. 

Steve bursts through the door. "Henderson. Henderson! He's back! He's back!"

"I'm back!" He yells back. "You got the job!" He motions to the Scoops Ahoy sign.

"I got the job!" He runs around the counter and the two engage in their handshake. They go through all the phases: the traditional high five, fist bump, and then they engage in lightsaber combat. Dustin stabs Steve, who uses his fingers to imitate blood.

 Dustin stabs Steve, who uses his fingers to imitate blood

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Robin watches with an amused look. Y/n leans against the wall behind her, laughing. "How many children are you friends with?" Robin asks.

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