Chapter 29

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 9, 2020. I can't believe we are already on Chapter 29 of the 2nd book. I started this back in...May? We've come so far and I'm so proud of this story. We've got a few more chapters, so fret not. Everything will work out. I love you.

IMPORTANT TO PLOT: Because Season 4 hasn't come out yet and we don't really know how Hopper is getting back to Hawkins, I'm just going to say he did die for the sake of the plot. Yes, I know, in the canon version he is alive, but we don't know how, and we don't know how the series ends, so I'm just going to act like Season 3 is it, no other teasers happened, the Russians are gone and Hopper is dead.

Y/n slides back into the car. Steve looks up at her from the driver's seat. "You did it?" He asks softly.

Y/n nods and gives him a half-smile. "He's in his happy place now. I feel better."

Steve gives her a look of pity and slides his hand into hers, squeezing. She looks up at him. "Can I tell you something?" She asks.

"Of course."

"That night, when Billy said goodbye... I didn't tell you everything."

He readjusts in his seat. "Ok."

She takes a deep breath. "He told me that I would be happy...with you. That although I would be happiest with him, your the best one for me right now."

Steve's eyes widen. "I- wow. Ok. Um, huh. I'm not sure how to respond."

Y/n places her head in her hands. "I shouldn't have said that."

"I mean, it sounds like him. He'd be better than me, but I'm second best," he laughs lightly.

She smiles at him a little. "I think he's right," she whispers.


"I- I love Billy. With all my heart. But he's gone, and I know that. And now that he's gone and he's allowed me to move on as well, I can see what's right in front of me. You. You've always been there for me, protected me. Even when I was with Billy, you didn't step back at all. You fought for me. Literally. You ended up supporting me through Billy and I getting back together, and then you supporting me through my pregnancy meant the world to me."

Steve sits there in a stunned silence as Y/n confesses her feelings.

"I-I think I love you, Steve," Y/n finishes, looking into his hazel eyes. "Please say something," she whispers.

He leans over and slams his lips against her, dipping his fingers into her hair. Y/n's eyes open in surprise, but she melts into the kiss, running her fingers through his wild hair. They break and beam at each other. "I love you too, Princess."


Steve traces circles on Y/n's leg as she lays sprawled over him. "How am I supposed to take you out on a date when you have a baby to take care of?" He asks.

"I can very easily have Mom watch Sarah for me. Didn't think of that?" Y/n retorts, snickering.

"Well, once you get that set up, let me know and I will whisk you away on our first date."

"May it be the first of many."


"Mom, thank you so much for watching her. I really appreciate it!" Y/n exclaims, kissing her mother's cheek.

Joyce smiles. "Have fun! But not too much fun!" She picks up Sarah and whirls her around. "Last time Mommy had too much fun, you came into existance!"

Y/n laughs and runs out the door, climbing into Steve's car. He looks her up and down and kisses her. "You look beautiful. Very appropriate for the fair."

yeah i know its a call me by your name mood board leave me alone

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yeah i know its a call me by your name mood board leave me alone

He drives off and his hand locks with Y/n's. Her leg shakes up and down. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Just...the fair was kind of the beginning of everything last year. All the death. My mom's Russian friend, Alexei, got shot there. Then Hopper-"

Steve squeezes her hand and looks deeply in her eyes. "I promise you nothing bad will happen. Ok? Everything will be fun. Just focus on us."

Y/n nods and wipes the tear that fell from her eye. He pulls into the parking lot of the fair. The sun has begun dipping in the sky, casting an orange glaze over the food carts, rides, and green grass.

Steve intertwines his fingers with Y/n and leads her through the entrance. 

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