Chapter 28

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 8, 2020. I watched Call Me By Your Name for the first time last night and OH MY GOD. That is an absolute masterpiece. The messages are so deep, I'm still processing and trying to comprehend the love that Elio and Oliver shared. They are the definition of right person, wrong time. 

Y/n opens her eyes, gasping and bolting up in the bed. A baby begins crying beside her. She looks down and sees her daughter crying, startled from her sleep. A liquid drips down Y/n's face and she brings a hand up, wiping her arm against her nose. 

Pulling her arm away, a streak of red drips down her arm. Grabbing a tissue, she wipes it away and picks up her baby. "Hi, Sarah. I'm so glad you met your Daddy last night. He deserved to meet you, and you deserved to meet him."

Her cries calm down and she begins breathing normally as Y/n gently rocks her. "You were born out of pure love, although we hadn't told each other yet. We knew. We knew we loved each other, and it was clear, because you exist, baby!" She boops her nose and Sarah giggles a little.

The door opens and Steve walks in. Billy's words float through her head. "And you have...Steve. Y/n, it's been years. How can you not see how he looks at you? You're going to be happiest with him. Obviously, you would be happier with me, but that's not an option right now. He will make you happy."

Steve beams brightly at Y/n and Sarah. "There's my girls!" He exclaims in a baby voice, waddling over to the chair beside her bed. "How are you feeling, Y/n?" He asks, worry evident in his tone.

"I'm okay. My stomach is tingling, but I'm not in pain. Honestly, I'm glad I was spared the stitches down there," Y/n admits with a smile. She looks at Sarah with pure joy. "Now I'm just going to have a scar and a baby!"

Steve looks at them both in total love. Y/n looks at him. "Um. Billy visited me last night. Said goodbye."


"Somehow, I projected myself into the place where El goes and he was there. It was just like this room, but he was here. He met Sarah and said goodbye to me. Assured me that he loves me and he'll never really leave me," Y/n says sadly.

Steve smiles sadly. "You named her Sarah? I like it."

"He wanted to name her after his mom. I like it. He also said he wanted me to take Sarah to California and scatter his ashes there."

He nods. "I can take you. What else did he say? Did he look..okay? Is he in pain?"

She shakes her head. "He was wearing the outfit he wore when we first met. He seems happy, like he's in a better place. He's not in pain."

Steve clutches Y/n's hand. "I'm glad you got to see him one last time. Is there anything else he said?"

Y/n thinks about what Billy told her, but pushes it away. "No. No, nothing else. Now, if you'll excuse me, can you grab my mom. I think I should feed Sarah but I don't really know how to do the whole 'boob in mouth' thing."

He laughs and nods, standing up and leaving. Before he leaves, he looks back at Y/n, who is making funny faces at Sarah, who is sucking her pinky.


1 1/2 months later

Y/n climbs out of the car and takes a deep breath of the sea air. Grabbing Sarah from the backseat, she also takes Billy's urn. Looking out over the ocean, she climbs down the wooden staircase to the sandy beach.

Closing her eyes, she feels Billy's presence around her. "Hi, baby," she whispers to him, knowing he won't respond, but hoping he'll hear it nonetheless. "I did what you wanted. I needed to recover from the surgery, but I did it."

Taking off the lid of the urn, she wades calf-deep into the water, wincing at the shocking cold. "This is where your Daddy used to go surfing when he was a little kid. He used to come here with his mom, who we named you after."

Placing a kiss to the urn's surface, Y/n tilts it and watches the dust fly out on the ocean's wind, carrying into the sand, water, and some of it continuing on with the wind. "There you go, Billy. Rest now. It's ok," Y/n whispers, smiling to herself. A tear rolls down her cheek, but it's of happiness. 

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