Chapter 26

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 4, 2020. Last night was horrible. Today, this week, and next week will be horrible. But hang in there. Hope is not lost. Joe Biden will pull through, and if not, Congress is flipped so that Democrats have control of it. On a happier note, should I just change my theme to Christmas? I'm super tempted-

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm so sorry. I should have protected you," a voice cries, clutching Y/n's hand.

She opens her eyes, blinking away the florescant lights and the memories of Billy. Her eyes travel down to see Steve crouched beside her, holding Y/n's hand and crying.

Her free hand reaches over and runs her fingers through his hair gently. "Hey. Steve, I'm right here. I'm okay. The baby's okay."

His hazel eyes look up at her. "But you could have died. You got hurt. You watched-" he stops talking as more tears spill out.

"I thought you didn't like him," Y/n laughs dryly.

Steve looks at her with hurt. "I would never wish death upon him. Especially not that one. You loved him. He loved you. He...fathered your child." He glances at Y/n's midsection.

Y/n bites her lip and says nothing. "Are you ok? Your face-"

"I'll be fine. I'll be fine," he says, hastily kissing her hand. "I'm just so glad you are okay."



"I love you."


"You've supported me through everything. I couldn't ask for a better best friend. You're going to make a wonderful uncle."



Y/n opens the box of ornaments and smiles happily at them. Crafts by her, Jonathan, and Will litter the spaces. Joyce always refused to get rid of them. She turns around. "This one is so cute, Will," she says to her brother. He turns his nose up.

"Oh come on, it's adorable!"

Jonathan pulls out a glitter covered light bulb. "Not as cute as this one that you made, Y/n."

She looks at it. "Mom, why won't you get rid of this?!"

Joyce laughs. "It's memories!"

Y/n groans, but laughs, hanging it on their Christmas tree. "Steve, you're supposed to string the popcorn, not eat it."

Steve looks at her with a mouthful of popcorn. "Sowy," he mumbles.

Y/n delicately pulls out a Baby's First Christmas ornament for her. She smiles fondly at it and holds it in front of her growing stomach. "When you're born, I'm going to get you one just like this. And you'll keep it and show it to your babies!"

Steve watches her with a smile smile etched on his face. 


Beginning of April

"I'm the size of a house," Y/n groans. "I'm due any day now. My back hurts, my ankles are swelling, and I've basically ate everything in my house and yours. Not to mention I'm still going to school!"

Steve takes her hand. "You are an absolute superhero."

"This stupid baby won't stop me from graduating."

"Weren't you just gushing about how happy you were to be pregnant?"

"That was before I realized how much pregnancy sucks!" She lays down, placing her head in Steve's lap. Her eyes flicker down. "You see that?" She points to her large stomach.

"That's a lie. Pregnancy is not a wonderful, joyous thing. It fricking sucks." Looking up, Y/n takes in his features. His few strands of hair that has been displaced and fall in his face, his glowing hazel eyes, the freckles that dot his face, his lips.

She sits up and looks at him. He looks back at her. "Yes...?"

Her eyes flicker to his lips. He gulps in anticipation. Slowly, she leans in, and he follows suit, closing his eyes.

Suddenly, a pressure fills her pelvis and she feels wetness soaking through her underwear. Her eyes widen and she snaps back. "I either just peed myself again, or my water just broke."


Y/n cries out in pain and clutches Steve's hand. She turns to the nurse. "Can I please have an epidural, please?" She begs through pained groans.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, we need an adult present in order to do that," she replies.


"Ma'am, I'm over 18. She is in the prescence of a legal adult," Steve says.

The nurse nods and leaves to retrieve the needle. When she returns, Y/n's eyes widen. "Why-why is it so big?"

"That's just the size of the needle. Y/n, you know it stays in your back, right?" Steve asks.

Y/n groans. "As long as it takes away the pain."

Sitting up, Steve sits in front of her and lets her lean on him as she winces in pain as the needle is inserted in her back.

"Oh! FU-" Steve slaps a hand over her mouth and stifles his laughter.

"NO!" He says.

Joyce, Jonathan, and Will burst through the door. "Oh, Y/n!" Joyce cries out. "You got an epidural?"

Y/n nods, leaning back and shifting positions. Will looks at her. "Is that a needle?"

Y/n nods. "Yep. It's too help with contractions, which is my.-"

Will gags. "NOPE. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW."

Suddenly, the door opens again and the Party bursts through the door. "Max!" Y/n squeals, opening her arms.

Max beams at her and runs into them. "Is it really happening?" She asks hopefully.

"3 centimeters," Y/n says. "You're going to be an aunt."

A tear rolls of her cheek and she hugs Y/n tightly again. "I miss him," she whispers.

"I do, too."

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