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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is December 1, 2020. This is the last chapter I'm going to publish in this book. Thank you all so much for this wonderful journey.

15 Years Later (2003)

Y/n sits on the couch with her legs slung over her husband's lap, reading a book. Her 17 year old daughter, Sarah, and her 15 year old son, Noah, are sharing headphones, listening to music on their brand new Dell DJ. 

Sarah looks up at her mother. "Hey, Mom?"

"Yeah?" Y/n replies without looking up.

"What kind of music was Dad into?"

Steve looks up. "Well, I mean, I love Duran Duran, Whitesnake-"

"No, I mean my other dad. Billy."

Y/n and Steve exchange looks and Y/n closes her books, sitting up. She walks over to a shelf in the corner of the living room. It's littered with photos of Billy and a bottle of his cologne. In between the shelf and the wall, Y/n pulls out a stack of records. She sits down beside Sarah. Noah also crawls over.

"So Noah, you know that Billy isn't your dad, Steve is. But Billy was Sarah's dad. Billy had the same music taste as a lot of other kid's his age. Scorpions, Motley Crue, Ratt, Ozzy Ozbourne, Metallica, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, and honestly a lot more. We would listen to these at my old house, and in his car when we drove around."

Sarah looks up at her mother, who has a sad twinkle in her eye. She smirks. "You didn't make me to any of these songs, did you?" She asks slyly.

Y/n gasps and swats her daughter. "Just because you are 17 does not mean you can say those things!"

Sarah snickers and rolls away to the shelf. Getting on her knees, she looks up at a picture of her father. Taking it in her hands, she holds it up to her face and looks intently at it. Scouring him, she finds similarities. His ocean eyes, sharp jawline, and curly golden hair are all found in her.

Y/n continues quietly flipping through the records with Noah, telling him stories.

"Mom?" Sarah asks again.


"Can we go visit Dad?"


Y/n slides into the front passenger seat beside Steve. "Everybody ready?" He asks.

"Yes!" Sarah and Noah exclaim simultaneously.

"Alright then, let's go." And so they set off, departing from Hawkins, Indiana onto a long road trip across the country to California. 2 long but scenic days later, they arrive at the hotel they are staying at. After unloading their stuff into the hotel room, they set back out again to the beach that Y/n scattered his ashes on all those years ago.

Noah runs ahead, eager to see the beach for the first time. Sarah talks slow steps forward, really breathing in the smell and digging her toes into the sand. This is the sand by dad played on when he was little, she thinks, making her way to the edge of the water.

Y/n and Steve linger behind, watching their children. Steve's arm wraps around his wife and holds her against him tightly.

"I love our children. And I love you," Y/n says.

Steve presses a kiss to her temple. "And I love you, Princess."

There it is. The end of the series that has consumated by thoughts and made me the somewhat popular writer I am now. Thank you all so much. For everything. I'm honestly crying because of how attached I am to this. But it's okay. It'll all be okay.

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