Chapter 24

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A/n: Hello everybody. Today is November 2, 2020. im sorry. although we are at the end of s3 we arent done with the book. but yeah. im sorry.

Warnings: Graphic depictions of death and gore im so sorry

"What?" He mutters.

"I love you! I, Y/n L/n, love you, Billy Hargrove. I love you so much. I've loved you since you walked through the door to the classroom a year ago. I've loved you since we danced in the rain in front of my house. I've loved you since I fell asleep in your Camaro. I've loved you since Christmas Eve." She cups his face. "I've loved you since we made love for the first time."

Almost as if it were through a tunnel, a flurry of activity and yelling is heard. Still, Y/n trains her focus on Billy. "I'm pregnant, baby. And I want to raise this baby with you. I want to move into a beautiful house and raise our baby together, as husband and wife. And then I want to make love again, and get pregnant again, and raise that baby! I want to road trip to California with you, like you promised when we first met!

Billy begins crying, and his tears land on Y/n's face. She takes his hand and places it on her stomach. "That's our baby."

"That's our baby?" He asks, crying.

Y/n laughs through her tears. "Yeah! That's our baby! And they love you. So much."

Out of the corner of her eye, she watches El crawl away. Lucas is screaming into the radio for Hopper to close it.

Pulling Billy against her, she pushes her lips on his softly. She feels him smile into the kiss. "I love you, Y/n," he mutters. "Please tell the baby about me."

"W-What?" Y/n stutters. He stands up and pulls her to her feet. Cupping her face gently, he smiles softly at her. Then, he pushes her away.

The Mind Flayer screams and it's tentacle reaches for Y/n. Billy's hand flies up and he catches it. Pulling it away with his bare hands, he yells out. 

"Billy!" Y/n yells.

A number more tentacles fly out from the body and shoot towards Billy. They pierce his abdomen and grip his body. He screams out loudly in pain. 


More tentacles shoot out and grab him. He screams again as the claws writhe inside his body. As he cries out, black blood shoots out of his mouth and seeps out of his wounds. Finally, a large tentacle shoots right through his chest.

The arms retractand he drops to the floor. "BILLY! BILLY! NONONONONO!" Y/n screams, running over and cradling his body. 

Billy groans out in pain, but opens his eyes and looks at Y/n. "Why did you do that? You didn't have to do that!" Y/n sobs.

"I had to protect you and the baby," he mutters.

"No, no you didn't. You needed to save yourself," she weeps.

"I-I'm sorry, doll. I'm so sorry," he cries, wincing in pain and hiccuping. 

"No, no. It's okay, my love. I love you. Stay with me. Stay with me, baby, come on." Billy smiles gently at her and stills, his eyes widening. The Mind Flayer begins screeching and falls to the floor.

Y/n's soul rips in two. She screams out in anguish and holds Billy's corpse against her. She rocks his body against her and wails hysterically. 

"OH MY GOD, NO! NO! BILLY, PLEASE! GET UP, BABY! PLEASE BILLY PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS, GET UP! BILLY, PLEASE!" She begs. Y/n tries to wipe her eyes, but when she brings her hand up, she smears his blood all over her face. 

She feels arms wrap around her, but she pulls away, clutching onto Billy. "Y/n. Y/n!" Steve's voice floats through the auditory tunnel.


Steve turns her around and grabs her shoulders. He sees a bruise where Billy hit her, and blood is all over her clothes, face and hands. He tries to pull her into a hug, but she claws away, trying to get back to Billy.


The doors to the mall burst open and a team of government officials swarm the building. They hear Y/n's screams and run over.

Steve picks Y/n up, who is kicking and screaming and carries her out. The last she sees of him is him being put on a stretcher, with a sheet being laid over him.


Y/n sits in an ambulance beside Billy. Although he is already covered in a blanket, she takes the blanket from her shoulders and tucks it around his body. "You were so cold, baby. I don't want you to be cold now."

Reaching under the blanket, she finds his arm and pulls it out. Tracing her fingers in his palm, she intertwines their fingers, squeezing his hand.

She still cries when he doesn't squeeze back.

Y/n hears a commotion and looks over. Murray and Joyce rush on sight. The logical side of her is screaming to go to her mother, but the numb part is telling her to stay with her love. Looking down at his hand, she brings it up to her lips and presses it to her lips. Tucking it back under the blanket, she attempts to step out of the ambulance.

The pain that she feels causes her to feel to her knees with a loud sob. Joyce's head snaps over. "Y/N!" She yells, running over. She envelopes her daughter in her arms.

Y/n screams and cries, her body being enveloped in a blinding pain.


Y/n sits in the hospital bed, fiddling with the heart monitor clip on her finger. Reaching over to the chair beside her hospital bed, she grabs her bag. Placing it on her lap, she rummages through it until she finds her wallet. Opening it, she pulls out a Polaroid.

She smiles and laughs a little. Tears roll down her cheeks. It's a Polaroid of Billy and her at their spot. His eyes are closed, and his head is leaning against the base of the tree. There's a little smug smile on his face. Y/n's head is resting on his chest. 

She smiles through the tears and clutches the picture to her chest. Closing her eyes, she drifts into memories of their time together.

im so sorry but this is exactly what ive been leading up to for the entire series. im sorry. im crying very hard. im sorry.

edit: no matter how many times i read this, i cry every time.

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