Chapter 36

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 30, 2020. I don't know why I said that there would be three more chapters, there are only going to be two more. This one, and then the Epilogue will be released tomorrow.

2 Months Later

Y/n rolls over on her side and faces her sleeping husband. She leans in to kiss him, but is overcome with a powerful urge to be sick. Throwing the sheets off of her, she rushes to the bathroom and empties last night's dinner into the toilet. 

Leaning her burning forehead against the cool toilet seat, she sighs to herself, remembering very clearly what this meant two years ago.

Standing up, she turns to the side and peers at herself in the mirror. Her eyes lock with her midsection as she turns to the side, observing her stomach.

A weary Steve dressed in only boxers appears in the doorway, rubbing his eyes. "Princess? What happened?"

Y/n looks at him in the mirror and wipes her mouth. "I think I'm pregnant."

Oh, was he awake now. He quickly threw clothes on and brushed his hair and teeth furiously. Y/n puts on his old Hawkins High hoodie and some sweatpants. "What are you doing?"

"Taking you to the drugstore, then the doctor. Right now," he says, grabbing her hand and the keys to their car. Peering into the sleeping Sarah's room, he shrugs. "It's early, and she'll stay asleep while we are gone."

Before Y/n can protest, she is whisked out the door. They purchase three different pregnancy tests and drive back to the house. Steve stares at the corner of the bathroom while Y/n pees on them simultaneously. 

After being wiped off and having a timer set, she sets them on the counter and leans against the cabinet. Steve sits down beside her, both of them staring at the wall. "What if I am pregnant?"

"Then we'll love the baby."

"What if I'm not pregnant?"

"Then we can try again, if you'd like."

Y/n looks at him with a soft smile and rests her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes, finding a brief moment in time of peace. But, of course, that was interuppted by the sharp ringing of the timer signaling the tests were ready.

With a shuddery breath, she reaches up and grabs the tests, bringing them down in front of her. good lord i know what happens and im still nervous

Y/n breaks eye contact with Steve and looks down at the test.

Six bright pink lines stare back at her. Every. Single. Test. Is positive.

She gasps and breaks out beaming. Steve laughs in disbelief and tackles his wife, hugging her tightly. They roll around on the bathroom floor in a crazed laughter.

"Should we still go to the hospital?" Y/n asks after calming down.

"It couldn't hurt."


Y/n shakes her leg in anxiety on the hospital bed as she waits for the nurse to return with the test results. Steve clutches her hand and smiles at her. "Hey, Princess. There is no way that there could be three false positive tests."

She gives him a shaky smile, and soon enough, the nurse returns with a big smile. "Well, I'm very pleased to tell you that you are indeed pregnant, Mrs. Harrington. Congratulations. Now, with your permission, I'd like to give you a vaginal ultrasound."

Y/n tenses and presses her thighs together on instinct. "Why so early?"

"Mrs. Harrington, you're 2 months pregnant."

Y/n's eyebrows shoot up and Steve laughs in disbelief. Suddenly, it connects. She looks at Steve and sends him a knowing look. "Ah-" he intakes a sharp breath in remembrant.

She scoots back on the hospital bed and places her legs in the stirrups. "Alright."

15 uncomfortable minutes later, the nurse removes her gloves and flashes her a confident smile. "Everything is as it should be. I'll see you back here in six weeks, okay?"

Y/n nods and begins getting dressed. "You're going to be a dad, Steve."

He smiles at her and kisses the tip of her nose. "I already was."

there you go people last chapter before the epilogue

NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: Hi everyone! "Fued//Book 2" and "Fact From Fiction" are coming to a close within tonight and tomorrow, which means that I am finally able to announce my two new stories! I usually would have announced them a while ago, but I needed to figure which characters I wanted to do and what the plot would be. So, it is with pleasure that I announce my two newest babies.

"NEW GIRL IN TOWN" ROBIN BUCKLY X READER. Y/n L/n just moved to Hawkins. She's...different, to say the least. Vibrant colors, dyed hair, and a very relaxed attitude. To make things weirder, she has no parents or siblings. She seems to come with a checkered past, her guard rarely being let down. Until she meets Robin. The two are apprehensive at first, but quickly become fast friends. Then, Robin introduces Y/n to her friends, including Eleven. Y/n seems magnatized to her, a peculiar fascination taking over. What does this mean? What has happened in Y/n's past? Read "New Girl in Town" to find out!

"SHE'S WITH ME" KATNISS EVERDEEN X READER. Y/n L/n. Katniss Everdeen. These girls have known each other since they were children, grew up best friends, and were inseperable. And to the public eye, they were just that. Best friends. But to their close friends and family, that is not what they were. To them, they were each other's girlfriends. You don't find too many gay people in Panem, especially not out ones. So when Y/n, desperate not to lose her girlfriend, volunteers for Peeta Mellark, they are both sent into the arena together. How will they navigate being gay on national television? How will they manage their relationship AND a revolution? Find out in "She's With Me".


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