Chapter 35

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 30th, 2020. I started school again today and can't believe this book is coming to a close within...*mentally counts* two chapters and one epilogue! In all honesty, it should hopefully conclude by the end of this week.

i have an entire pinterest board for every single wedding chapter ive ever done THAT IS DEDICATION anyways enjoy the fall moodboard

Y/n jiggles her leg in anxiety as the car rides down the road. Keeping her eyes trained ot the road, Joyce reaches over and squeezes her hand. "It'll all be okay. Everything looks beautiful, including you, sweetie."

Y/n's smiles meekly at her mom as they pull over to the side of the road where there is a beautiful sign embellished with Steve and Y/n's names, telling people they are at the right place. "I still can't believe we're getting married in the field that houses Cerebro," Y/n chuckles to herself, getting out of the car and fluffing her dress.

"Dustin was very honored. He almost tried to reassemble it so it's in the background of photos," Max laughs.

Y/n rolls her eyes takes in a deep, shuddering breath. "Alright, one of you guys should go find Jonathan and Will. Is the ceremony starting soon?" i was trying to think of who should walk y/n down the aisle and i was like "bob!" wait no he's dead "hopper!" oop he's dead too-

Eleven and Max nod and rush off to find him. Y/n peers around the trees and spots the beautiful ceremony. She gasps a little. "It's so beautiful!"

oh my gosh isnt it so perfect

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oh my gosh isnt it so perfect

Joyce grips Y/n's shoulders firmly. "Everything is going to be perfect, Y/n. I promise. Steve loves you very much and wouldn't do anything to harm you. He loves you. Sarah loves you. And we all love you, too. Now, go out there and get married!"

Y/n stands there in stunned silence. "What the heck?!"

A wave of confusion washes over Joyce's face. "What?"

"That was the worst pep talk every!" Y/n laughs, pulling her mom in and hugging her tightly.

Footsteps approach and Max, Eleven, Jonathan, and Will appear. Jonathan sucks in his breath at the sight of his sister and Will's jaw drops.

"Oh, Y/n," Jonathan gushes, "You look gorgeous." He hugs her tightly. 

"You look really pretty, Y/n. I- I can't believe you're getting married," Will says with a glisten in his eyes.

Y/n smiles at him and pulls him in to a warm hug. "I know right? It seems like only yesterday I was a Junior. Gosh, it's been, what? Four years? Five years, since the beginning of the whole Upside Down mess."

She looks at Eleven and Max. "While I could have done without all the losses, if it played out any differently, Eleven might never have shown up, I might have never dated Billy and gained two sisters, Robin and I would have never became best friends, and Sarah might not have been born."

Y/n quickly wipes the tears away and shakes off her nerves. "Okay. Let's get married."

Joyce signals to someone in the ceremony to cue the music, and an instrumental version of f/s/s begins playing. One by one, the bridesmaids file down the aisle framed with beautiful plants. F/s/s= Favorite slow song

Robin shoots Y/n a wink before walking away. Joyce smiles at her and sits down in the front row, sitting a dolled-up Sarah on her lap.

Jonathan and Will come up on either side of Y/n and link arms. Together, they set off down the aisle. From the second she steps out, everything else melts away, smearing down her peripherial vision like paint on a canvas.

Y/n's e/c eyes are trained on Steve's warm honey ones. Both are filled with tears, and Steve's heart swells with pride at the sight of his Princess.

Will and Jonathan kiss her cheeks and take their places behind Steve. "Hi," Y/n mouthes, taking Steve's hands.

"You look beautiful," Steve says, lower lip trembling. i just burst out into tears in the middle of class istg-

The ceremony seems to blow by quickly, and soon enough, Sarah waddles up to Steve and Y/n and hands them the rings. "My big girl!" Y/n gushes quietly. Straightening up, she clutches Steve's wedding band in her fingers.

Taking his hand, she pauses, trembling. Looking out over the crowd, she spots all the faces she loves. Spotting someone in the back, she squints. Shimmering, almost as if it's a hologram, Billy is seen sitting lazily in the last row, grinning at Y/n. He winks at her and nods. edit: ehh what up. im crying. again. just so yall know i apologize if there isnt flavor with steve; its because i will always pick billy. sorry baby steve i still love you a lot.

Y/n smiles at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. She turns back to Steve and places the ring on his finger. "With this ring, I thee wed."

Shaking, Steve takes her hand and places the simplistic band with a few diamonds on her finger, right beside her engagement ring. "With this ring, I thee wed."

Beaming at each other, they lean forward and kiss passionatley, Y/n's fingers pushing through his hair as his calloused thumb strokes her cheek softly.

They pull away and everyone stands up, cheering loudly. Steve's fingers wrap around Y/n and they walk down the aisle, beaming brightly at each other.


At the receiption, Steve and Y/n make their way onto the dance floor after being announced as "Mr. and Mrs. Harrington."

"I like the sound of that," she mutters as Steve slips his arm around her waist as they prepare for their first dance.

"Just You" by The Saxophones begins playing and Y/n beams at the sweet sound floating out. Steve pulls her close, and she rests her face on his chest, closing her eyes. The sway and spin around in pure bliss to the slow rhythm of the song.

The music swells into a saxophonic break and their lips meet in a tingly bliss.

The rest of the night flies by in laughter, dancing, and food. Lots of food. When slicing the beautiful autumnal cake, Y/n smeared a small part of the cake on his face, not enough to be disgusting, but enough to make Steve throw Y/n over his shoulder and announce the honeymoon will begin early, which was met with a chorus of whoops and wolf-whistles.

"Rude," Y/n mumbles the minute they are out of sight.

"It was your decision, Princess."

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