Chapter 33

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 19, 2020. Want to know a fun fact: "Fued//Book 1" hit 3k reads, and "Fued//Book 2" hit 1k. I'm so proud of this series. I love it so much and anytime I look at my Stranger Things pop vinyl or listen to a song that I used in the book, I think about this series. It's like an alternative life that I've lived. I love you all SO FREAKING MUCH.

Late 1987

Y/n runs down the stairs and opens her front door to reveal a smiling Robin. "Hi, babe!" Y/n exclaims, hugging Robin. "Come on in."

She steps inside and looks around. "It's still so cool that you and Steve were able to save up and buy a house like this," she says. 

Y/n blushes. "I'm very grateful. So what brings you over here? I mean, of course you're welcome here."

Robin smiles at her again, a secret twinkling in her eyes. "I'm here to babysit Sarah."

"What? I'm not going anywhere today."

"You and Steve are going out to spend a nice day together, and I am going to safely watch your daughter," Robin replies cooly.

"I- I- ok, I guess. I've known you for over 3 years, something is up, but okay." Y/n begins climbing up the stairs. "Just... don't kill my child. Please."

Robin laughs lightly and follows her up the stairs, opening the door into Sarah's nursery. She breaks out into a beam and creeps into the nursery, sweeping Sarah up with a happy squeal. Y/n leans against the door frame and watches them happily.

Robin turns around and looks at her. "What are you doing standing there? Go get ready!"


"Bye, Robin!" Y/n calls out, dragging her heels out the door. Steve groans and grabs her, throwing her over his shoulder.

"What are you doing, Harrington?!" She shrieks.

"Making sure you don't turn around and grab Sarah!" He responds, opening the car door and placing her down in the passangers seat.

Y/n huffs and crosses her arms. Steve slides into the driver's seat and pulls out of the driveway. "So, where are we going?" She asks.

"You'll see," he replies curtly, shifting in his seat, almost as if he is concealing something.

Soon, they pull into the high school parking lot. "What are we doing here?"

Steve shrugs, trying his hardest not to smirk. "I thought it might be nice to visit the high school as alumni; visit the teachers."

Y/n looks at him and bursts out laughing. "You barely graduated. You've gotten in trouble with every single teacher for some kind of reason, whether it was smoking under the bleachers doing a girl in the bathroom."

Steve feigns hurt. "I have never 'did' a girl in the bathroom! Ever!"

Y/n raises an eyebrow and Steve nods his head, his expression changing. "Seriously."

She hums in response, climbing out of the car. Taking his hand, she heads into the office. The secrataries look up and smile at her in surprise. "Y/n L/n? We've been expecting you!"

Y/n smiles in confusion. "What do you mean-" Steve cuts her off by ushering her down the hallway. He shoots a sly wink to the ladies and raises a finger up to his lips. 

"That was rude," Y/n says.

"It wasn't. But you can't know why it wasn't rude," he says vaguely.

She turns a corner and finds her favorite class: the social studies class she shared with Billy. Steve looks at her and smiles softly. "Go on."

Y/n opens the door and steps into the class. Students are working quietly at their desks. She looks up at the teacher, who smiles knowingly at her. "My star student. Ladies and gentlemen, this is alumni Y/n L/n. You may have heard of her."

Y/n blushes and waves a little. "I just wanted to stop by. This was my favorite class and where I met my late boyfriend."

"You're the chick that got pregnant when you were a senior with that dude's baby, the one who died in the Starcourt fire!" A boy yells out near the back of the classroom.

The teacher gasps a little and looks at the student, ripping out a detention slip. "You're right. I did get pregnant with his baby. But I am not 'that chick'. I am Y/n L/n. He is not 'that dude who died in the Starcourt fire', he is Billy Hargrove. And I'm so much more than just that. I love my daughter very much, and he would too if he were still here with us."

Y/n looks at where he is sitting. "And that actually used to be his desk," she says with a smirk.

The boy's jaw drops and he begins stammering. "I hope you don't believe in ghosts, sir, because he might just start haunting you," Y/n jokes with a wink.

She walks back up to the front of the classroom. "He's right, I did have a baby when I was your guys age. But, I loved the man I had the baby with. I don't regret anything. I've had people ask if I would do it over again and that's a difficult question. If Billy was still alive, I would be with him, and I wouldn't be with Steve. It's asking me to pick between Billy and Steve. If one lived, then the other might have died. I can't change what happened. So I'm living happily with my daughter and my boyfriend. And right now, that's enough for me," she concludes

Everyone gasps and looks directly beside her. "What?" Y/n asks, turning around. She lets out a little scream when she sees Steve kneeling beside her, holding out a ring in a red velvet box. 

"Ok, so your speech upstaged mine, but Y/n, I love you so much. I have loved you since you turned 13 and started getting really hot, and you only got smarter to match it. You were, still are, and will continue to be my everything. You have provided me with a passionate and perfect love, and a little Princess that I love like my own. So please, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Steve asks, beaming up at her as tears roll down his cheeks.

Y/n jumps around in a little circle before sqealing. "YES! YES, STEVE!" He beams and fumbles to get the ring on her finger quickly. Standing up, he sweeps her up into her arms, her legs wrapping around his waist as they kiss happily.

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