1 Drive to Survive

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"Come Marie, the sooner we get this over with the better" mi disse Christian mettendomi una mano sulla schiena e spingendomi delicatamente verso la sala dove dovevano intervistarmi. 

"I'm kinda nervous about this, I hate talking in front of cameras" gli risposi con un sorriso

"You needn't worry, you're an interpreter who works for people who sign deals for millions of dollars, this can't be worse" ride lui

Annuisco e poi mi faccio scortare fino alla sedia che sta di fronte a un muro nero con una luce esattamente di fronte a me. Una volta seduta ci metto un attimo ad abituarmi e devo sbattere le palpebre un paio di volte "Oh my god this is really blinding" esclamo facendo ridere tutti

"Do I have to look at you or the camera?" domando al tizio che sta dietro alla luce

"No no me, you know what we're gonna ask you today, just something about you and your work. Then when we'll be editing we'll decide which parts to keep and which not" mi spiega

Christian mi alza due pollici e rido. Da quando lavoro con lui è diventato come un padre per me. L'interprete per un team manager di Formula 1 è un lavoro che occupa tutto l'anno. 

"Hi, my name is Marianna De Blasi and I work as intepreter for " faccio una pausa perchè ho dimenticato cosa devo dire "Oh my God I forgot what I have to say" 

"Just what's your job and the reason why you're here" 

"Yeah right!" esclamo annuendo

"Hi, my name is Marianna de Blasi and I work as interpreter, mostly for team managers" dico cercando di guardare il tizio e non la videocamera "I have worked for different teams but right now I only work for Christian Horner and Aston Martin Red Bull Racing" concludo.

"You know, that we put some scenes where you talk in the first season right?" 

"Yeah, don't be nervous, we already imterviewed for some scenes from last season"

Annuisco ancora " Yes I remember the crew in the paddocks during the races" 

"You know that you're gonna have to talk about your mother and your boyfriend today? If it's too much we can stop okay?" mi dice l'uomo che è seduto di fianco al cameraman. Certo che lo so, mi ricordo, spero di finire in fretta però. 

"Yeah, understood. But it's no problem really" cerco di sembrare fiduciosa, Christan mi guarda con affetto e mi fa l'occhiolino mentre dice col labiale 'You got this'

"I was born and raised in Italy, in Bologna. But when I was 12 we moved to Monaco. I attended there the high school and it was there where I entered the world of racing. I was in a relationship with Jules Bianchi, I met him when I first arrived in Montecarlo and we were inseparable. He used to take me to all of his races and since I spoke 4 languages he "used" me as his interpreter" 

Sorrido pensando a tutti i ricordi che avevo condiviso con il mio ragazzo. "When he got admitted in the Ferrari Driver Academy I was only 15 but that's when I actually started working. I still don't get why people trusted me because I was a teenager who gave advices to a boy and we actually knew nothing of the world." Dico sorridendo e sento una risata da parte della crew 

"The point is that I kept going to the races and talking to teams. When he became driver fot the Marussia we felt so happy that we thought we were going to burst"

"In 2014 I was 20, I had finished school and I did not have a clue on what I was going to do with my life. I was only sure about Jules and that I wanted to keep doing what I was doing, talking, interpreting. Then, the accident. It's been very painful, very long. It hit all of us, it was a bolt from the blue and it really turned my world upside down. But then one night a young boy named Charles Leclerc came inside the hospital and it was like everything fell in place. All of a sudden I knew what to do, I knew how much Jules cared about Charles, how talented he was and I knew that I wanted to help him achieve what Jules couldn't."

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