Home Life

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When someone said the name Sasuke Uchiha everyone in their town knew who they were talking about. He was a popular kid that did not want to be popular. Sasuke was good looking, gaining him attention from his female classmates, though he never acted on any of their advances and actively turned down anyone that showed the slightest bit of interest. He was quiet and moody, causing people to whisper about his tragic backstory of losing his parents and speculate about what was wrong with him, but nothing was ever said to his face. If someone were to ask about his personality people would describe him as standoffish at best and various versions of the word asshole at worst.

When he was eight years old, he had seen his parents die in front of him as a result of a car crash. He tried calling for help, but no one came and by the time anyone did, it was too late, causing he and his brother were put into foster care. That night had changed his life forever, causing a once normal child to become withdrawn and afraid. Soon a man named Orochimaru adopted them. The moment Sasuke saw Orochimaru he did not like the snake-like man and living with him only made Sasuke wish he had died that night along with his parents. The man was abusive, though when his brother was there he'd protect him. Itachi could only protect him for so long. Itachi was classified as a genius and had been able to skip grades, causing him to get through school quickly. Ultimately, Itachi went away to college at a much earlier age than he should have, leaving Sasuke alone.

Sasuke sat on his bed looking down at the floor, his dark hair falling in to his face. He couldn't believe he was finally getting out of the house. Sasuke was finally graduating and leaving for college. Despite having decided to go to the local university only thirty minutes away, he chose to live in the dorms. He wasn't the only student from his school that chose the dorms over living with their parents, he just had other reasons for doing so. Those students wanted to live on their own and be an adult, they weren't running away from their abusive guardian, or at least he didn't think of of them were. 'Don't screw this up, get a job, save money, start renting an apartment when the semester is done and you'll never have to come back to this stupid place,' he thought to himself. He hated leaving the Uchiha manor in such hands, but he refused to come back when Orochimaru was there. The truth was, it was his decision to move out, he may be young, but he was eighteen and that meant he was an adult so Orochimaru couldn't stop him anymore.

He rubbed his arm from where he'd been held too tightly the previous night as he was thrown against the wall. He was sure that his back was covered in bruises, but he didn't dare lift his shirt to look, rather he just made sure that he wore shirts to cover them. He sighed as he thought about it, about how the older man always hurt him, yet was careful enough never to send him to the hospital. Orochimaru loved to punch and leave bruises on him, he loved to throw him against walls, but he would never break a bone or break him enough so that Sasuke would need to go to the hospital. He would always say, "Toughen up, its just a few cuts and bruises," every time Sasuke showed him any weakness. When Sasuke needed to complete his gym credits he had taken the courses over summer so he wouldn't have to change in the locker rooms. He would have nothing that he needed to explain.

The dark haired teen shook his head, wanting to stop thinking about it. He went toward his things, pulling out a checklist to make sure that he had everything. 'Clothes, check, some books, check, money, check, journal, check' he thought to himself as he started going through the list to make sure he had everything. 'Nightlight,' he thought as he looked around for it, panicking a little. Ever since the death of his parents he hadn't been able to sleep without it, which was only amplified when Orochimaru appeared. His nerves calmed when he found it, realizing it was already packed safely. The thought that he may have to go buy a new one was more than a little embarrassing. 'What will I say to my roommate?' he wondered, knowing it couldn't be the truth. He frowned and started thinking of an excuse. He knew it wasn't normal for an eighteen-year-old to still sleep with a nightlight.

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