Chapter 6- Challenge

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(Avery's point of view)

The following day, Isla told me to meet her at our favorite cafe.

I told Uncle Harris that after meeting Isla, I'll visit him at the Williams Corporation(WCorp).

When I met Isla, she told me about the guy from last night.

Isla said, "He's hot and really good in bed!"

I answered, "You shouldn't do that again because who knows that guy might be dangerous!"

Isla insisted, "This man is something else."

I said, "So you want to commit with him now and build a relationship?"

Isla uttered, "I am not looking for a commitment right now. I just want to know him better and see where this goes."

I replied, "How about him? Is he willing to get to know you?"

Isla answered confidently, "Yes and we're going out again tonight!"

I said, "Ok! Have fun then. I have a race to attend tonight."

Isla said, "I want you to accompany me tonight. I told him that I will take my best friend with me as long as he invites his friend too. He has a friend and I bet you'll like him cause he's a hottie and he looks familiar."

I answered, "No no no! I don't want that Isla. That seems like a double date for me. I don't date."

Isla was really insisting me and said, "Av come on! You have to go with us!"

I said, "Ugh! I don't want to make my life more complicated. Dylan just saw me with a fake boyfriend and now you want me to meet another guy."

Isla implied, "Are you into Dylan or you're still thinking of your fake boyfriend?"

I replied, "Dylan was so jealous when he met my fake boyfriend at the bar.
I don't want to piss him anymore cause I don't want to be removed in the street racing because he's the head and the organizer remember?"

Isla answered, "Are you concern with Dylan's feelings?"

I said, "I'm more concern with my freedom to race."

I just can't accept the fact that I put the stranger, I mean Sin in danger.

After few hours, I went to Uncle Harris' office and I told him that I'm going to race tonight.

He just told me to be careful and to call him as soon as I reach our house.

He's so workaholic and sometimes he even sleeps at the WCorp building.

He has his own comfortable room in that building because sometimes he decided to stay there overnight.

Time passed by and it was time to go to our meeting place where the race is usually held.

It's been a month from the time that I challenged Dylan.

I saw Dylan surrounded by a group of sexy girls.

After flirting and using his charms to those girls he walked towards me.

I gulped because I was so nervous.

He said, "Hi Princess! I thought I'd never see you again. You still owe me."

I was sitting on my car's hood when he came closer and trapped me with his muscular arms.

I was slightly bent and my back nearly touching the hood.

He said, "Do you know that I want to take you right here right now?"

A bolt of electricity run through my spine.

I can smell his minty scent but it was mixed with the smell of cigarette.

Dylan is really an attractive man that's why girls never refused to go with him wherever he wanted but he doesn't give me the feeling that Sin does when we kissed.

He said while caressing my cheeks,
"I can rip your clothes in few minutes and I can just take you home."

I answered," Dylan, I'm not one of your fans! I won't deny that you're an attractive man but I'm not one of your toys and I do have a boyfriend so back off!"

Dylan changed his mood from flirty to rude and said, "No one can stop me from making you mine because I own you the moment I laid my eyes on you!"

He tightened his grip and I was pushing him.

I said, "I will never be yours! I'm not your property! I'm being nice to you. You can't treat me this way."

He uttered, "I always get what I want and I want you!"

I replied, "You already have many girls who were willing to be with you and have fun with you anytime you want."

He punched my car's hood and said,
"I only want you because I've never been rejected by any woman. You're the first one to reject me."

I uttered, "So you love a challenge huh? Dylan Miles Lucas, I'm not persuaded by money and power. You don't really like me at all. You just like me due to the fact that you can't have me."

He kissed my lips with hunger and eagerness.

I slapped him and he stopped.

I said,"If you want to have me, learn to respect me!"

One of his men whispered something and he left me.

Damn! Why did he punched my car's hood so hard! It left a fist sized dent.

I'm sorry Très vite, I will bring you to the car repair shop tomorrow.

I called Isla and told her what had happened.

She told me that she's with the guy she wanted to get to know more.

She said that they went to a fancy restaurant.

I can't believe that Isla is now dating because she's the type of girl who just wanted to have fun but knowing that she wanted to get to know that guy means that guy might have changed her outlook in a relationship.

I was so disappointed in Dylan.

That's the reason why I don't also want to have a relationship because I'm afraid to get hurt.

All men I met were womanizer.

I wish I could find true love.

Dylan is physically attractive but he always has his flavor of the month.

You should know that a man like him won't settle with a woman like me.

He clearly love the idea of having me just because I am challenging and not because he wanted me for being me.

He barely knows me. We just see each other during our races and he never made an effort to get to know about me.

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