Chapter 29- Together

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(Sin's point of view)

Two days after the memorable night with Celine, my mon amour arrived with Dylan.

I was so excited that I can finally be with her.

Celine and her mom was invited to the police station for further
questioning and they will be put to jail because the revelation of Celine that I recorded is a strong evidence.

Mr. Andre Wilson filed a case against his wife or should I say 'fake wife' because they were not married.

Celine's mother had been drugging Mr. Andre for a long time and she was responsible for the accident of Mr. Andre, the night when Avery saved him.

A case of attempted murder will make her stay in jail forever however Celine will just have a fine of $5000 and one year imprisonment for being an accomplice.

Celine's biological father was informed about what had happened and he apologized to Mr. Andre because he wasn't aware that Celine's mother would do such crime.

He decided to take Celine out of the country once she was out of jail so Mr. Andre gave them money so that they can start a life together.

Celine's dad was so grateful.

As soon as Avery and Dylan arrived at the airport, Avery asked me to go directly to the police station.

She went to talk to Celine's mother and we were at the other side of the room.

We can see from the other room that they were arguing and Avery slapped Celine's mom.

Oh that's hot!

Mr. Andre said, "She looks like her mom when she's angry."

Tears fell down from Mr. Andre's face while uttering, "I lost a lot of time with my wife and my only child by believing the lies of that woman whom I used to love during highschool but the one who cheated on me in the first place so that's the reason why we broke up and then I fell in love with Avery's mom when I met her in college. I thought that Avery's mom was really cheating on me. I'm so disappointed in myself for not doing my best to make my family whole again. I lost my lovely wife and both of them had to go through the pain that I caused them when I left.
I hope it's not yet too late for me and Avery. I regret every minute of not spending my time with my wife until she passed away."

I tapped his shoulder and said, "Everything will be ok Mr. Andre!"

He answered, "You can call me Dad because I knew you already proposed to my daughter but if you break her heart, I'll break your bones!"

Then we both laughed.

Avery went out of the room and said, "Ugh! I'm done with that woman, let's go home!"

We went to Uncle Harris' house to get few stuff of Avery because we'll be spending the night with her dad.

(Avery's point of view)

I stayed with Dylan for two days, I was so nervous when I left the country with him but he was a nice guy.

He respects my relationship with Sin and he knew that we're engaged because I didn't remove my ring.

When Dylan told me that Sin will spend a night with Celine, I was so worried because Sin might fall in Celine's trap because that woman is really alluring.

I barely slept that night but Sin called me as soon as he's done with his investigation.

When we arrived at the airport, I went straight to the police station because I want to talk to Celine's wicked mom.

I can no longer control myself when I saw her because she was talking a lot of sh*t against my mom.

I slapped her the strongest way possible even if her head would detach from her neck, I don't f*cking care!

After I released my anger, we went home and I saw Uncle Harris sipping his favorite wine.

"Uncle Harris, what made you think that you're allowed to drink wine during lunchtime?"

I'm always acting like a bratty daughter to my beloved uncle.

He replied, "Are you really going to leave me because you have your dad back?"

I answered, "Of course not! I'll have a schedule to stay here with you then I'll spend few days to my dad's house
I want you to enjoy your life without me bothering you and your hot assistant."

He hugged me and said, "I can have a lot of assistants to screw but I only have one annoying and troublesome Avery!"

We both laughed and I whispered, "Thank you for everything uncle and I love you!"

So I decided to spend my Mondays to Wednesdays with my uncle and Thursdays to Sundays at my dad's house.

Whoa! So tiring but I'm happy.

Sin also spent most of his free time with me so he followed my schedule.

Isla is now living with Axel at the penthouse so when we want to screw their night, Sin and I managed to sneak in his room.

They usually do the nasty in the living room and kitchen but when we're around, they just stay inside the room.

I still join the race a few times.

Dylan bought a vast land area. He developed it into a beautiful racetrack and our racing is already legal with the help of Sin.

Dylan, Sin and me became really good friends.

Sin also raced but I knew I'm better than him.

We almost do all things together in the period of six months.

One night, he told me to wear something fancy because we're going out.

After few minutes, he brought me to the church.

I said, "Is it ok to be here at seven in the evening? The mass is already finished."

Then a man wearing a white cassock or soutane came and said, "Are you ready?"

I was so surprised when Sin told me that he wanted to marry me right there and then.

And so we got married that night.

He has our wedding rings and our witnesses, I was so surprised because my two uncles were there, of course my dad, Sin's family and our friends Axel and Isla.

This is the perfect wedding that I really wanted.

A simple wedding with the important people in our lives.

The reception was in a hotel nearby the church and after the small wedding party, we stayed there for our honeymoon.

Sin's family stayed at my dad's house and they decided to have a vacation here for few weeks. Dad was so happy because Sin's dad and him really clicked.

Uncle Silas and his family stayed at Uncle Harris' house and also decided to spend a week here so that his family will have time to explore London.

Uncle Silas decided to have a business deal with Sin's dad because both of them lives in Mexico.

Everything is put into place and everybody is happy.

We are stronger together and our love is unbreakable.

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