Chapter 16- Car crash

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(Avery's point of view)

A week had passed after the night my drink was spiked.

Uncle Harris didn't allow me to go out but I still managed to sneak out at night.

One dark rainy evening, when I was driving home after the race, a black car in front of me skid and goes out of control before my very eyes.

The car crashed into a a big tree.

My initial reaction was to check the person inside the car because the area was isolated and nobody could help him or her aside from me because the area is still far from the city.

I called for an ambulance and the first person I had in mind was Sin.

I called Sin for help.

"Hey, I'm in the middle of somewhere and the car in front of me crashed so I could use some help here."

He answered, "Just wait for me mon amour, I will track your location so stay on the line."

I checked the person inside the car.

He was alone.

I said, "Wake up Sir! Can you hear me?"

I checked for the pulse and his pulses were becoming weak.

I tried my very best to pull him out of the car and I succeeded.

This old man looked good for his age, about early 50's and he was wearing an expensive suit.

He has a bruise on his forehead and right cheek.

I don't know if he has a fracture.

Sin arrived twenty five minutes after my call.

I said, "Whoa! You're so fast!"

He answered, "I was worried about you!"

I kissed his cheek and said, "I'm ok!"

He also checked the old man and he told me that he recognized him.

After ten more minutes, the ambulance arrived.

We went straight to the nearest hospital.

The nurses at the emergency room told us to wait because the man was sent to the operating room due to profuse bleeding of his right leg.

I never noticed that he has a fracture because it was so dark and he was wearing a black suit.

Sin told me to go to the nearest cafe and drink some coffee while waiting.

After three hours of operation, he was sent to the recovery room.

I can't help but worry.

I've been in a minor car accident due to racing and I've never been afraid but seeing someone crash is very devastating.

What if he did not survive? His family might be so worried right now.

We went to check him in his room.

He was still asleep.

Sin told me to go home and rest so that my uncle won't get mad at me.

I was so tired and my shirt was covered with blood so I told him to update me whatever happens.

I went straight to my bathroom and the hot shower really helped me relax.

I missed my bed.

It was already three in the morning.

I hugged my pillows and I fell asleep at an instant.

When I woke up, Sin told me that the man who crashed was still asleep.

He told me that he'll pick me up this afternoon after my work to visit the man.

(Sin's point of view)

After the night when Avery slept in my room at the penthouse, we just sent each other text messages but I haven't seen her cause we're both giving each other space.

We feel the chemistry, the attraction but no one dared to open up and talked about what's going on between us.

I was so worried when she called me at ten in the evening.

I didn't received any message from her that day so when she was calling that night, I thought that she was again in trouble.

She didn't even know where she was.

I tracked her phone and I went to her as fast as I could.

To my surprise when the victim of the crash was Mr. Andre.

He is the rich client who was asking me to look for a certain someone from his past.

I never knew I would see him in this situation.

We immediately went to the nearest hospital.

Avery was shaking because she was nervous and the rain was heavy that night.

So I told her that we should go to the cafe to drink coffee while waiting because Mr. Andre was going to be operated in order to control the bleeding.

I told Avery to go home after the operation because the patient was still sleeping and she needs to change her clothes and rest.

One thing that I love about Avery is that, she really is very helpful.

I'll told her that I will update her as soon as Andre wakes up.

Mr. Andre woke up at two in the afternoon and I said, "How are you Andre?"

He said, "A...agent Danger!
saved me?"

I answered, "No! My mon amour did!"

He asked, "Who's your mon amour?"

I uttered, "Just relax and you'll meet her later."

I asked him if he wants me to call his family.

He told me not to call them because his wife and daughter might be worried.

I said, "They really have to be worried because I investigated and you didn't just had an accident because of the poor weather but your car brakes were tampered!"

He said, "Oh! Who the hell would want me dead? I don't have enemies."

I asked, "Where is your driver?"

He answered, "His son is sick and I asked him to take the day off."

I uttered, "I'll get to the bottom of this."

He asked about Avery.

I told him that without Avery, he might be already dead.

Avery never left the side of a stranger who needed her help so her heart is so pure, so genuine.

I told Mr. Andre to just sleep and relax because I will be taking good care of him and he'll meet Avery soon.

I asked Axel to replace me while I change my clothes and finish some of my work at the office before I pick up Avery and visit Mr. Andre once again.

Mr. Andre will be staying at the hospital for weeks.

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