Chapter 17- Those Eyes

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(Avery's point of view)

Sin picked me up at three in the afternoon to visit the old man that we rescued.

When we reached the hospital, I was a little nervous because I don't know what to say.

As soon as we entered his room, the old man said, "Hello pretty lady! You must be my savior!"

I smiled and nodded.

He said, "I can't thank you enough but in case you need my help, I'll always be willing to help you. I'm forever
indebted to you."

I answered, "Anyone would do the same thing just to save a life."

He looked at me intensely.

He said, "Those eyes, I also knew someone having those dreamy eyes."

I answered while looking at Sin, "Sir, these eyes attracts Agent Danger!"

We both laughed.

He uttered, "You can call me Andre!
I would be attracted too if we were of the same age."

I looked at Sin and he frowned.

I knew he was jealous.

Mr. Andre said, "I can see how Agent Danger looked at you. He is smitten by you."

I answered, "I doubt that Andre."

Then I winked at Sin.

Andre told me that someone from his past looked exactly like me.

I told him that my face is so ordinary that anybody could be mistaken as me.

I also told him that I feel bad for what had happened to him and I also said that I love his car.

It's a black Lamborghini Veneno.

I told him that I love cars and he told me that Sin and I could visit him some other time so that he could show us his car collection.

I had fun talking with Andre.

I asked about his wife and children.

He told me that they were busy so they couldn't visit him here in the hospital.

What kind of family wouldn't find time to visit a family member let alone the head of the family?

How I wish I could have a father like him.

He seemed caring and a cool dad.

Mr. Andre and Sin spoke about the accident.

It was not a simple accident but there was a foul play because the brakes were tampered.

I thought that it was just in the movies or in the story "Just a Bittersweet Memory" that there was tampering of brakes by the villains but it could happen in real life.

Who would ever attempt to kill him?
Maybe he had lots of enemies because Sin said he is a billionaire.

My Uncles were also rich but I'm glad that no one ever dared to hurt them.

It was past six when we left the hospital.

Sin asked me to have a dinner with him.

I said, "Is it a dinner date?"

He replied, "You can call it a dinner date!"

I said, "I fancy sushi and ramen tonight."

He answered, "We'll buy whatever you like mon amour."

(Sin's point of view)

Seeing Avery and Andre talked for the first time was like looking at a father and a daughter who missed each other.

Avery is close to her uncles especially her uncle Harris whom she considers as her second father.

At first, I thought that Mr. Andre was flirting with my mon amour then I saw how he looked at Avery.

He looked at her as if she is his own daughter.

He was searching for a little girl from his past.

Nah! Of course! I don't see any connection between them but it's my job to help both of them.

To help Andre search for a little girl from his past and also to help Avery look for his missing dad.

I can see a resemblance but I can't put two and two together right now.

But I promise to solve both of their dilemma.

I asked Avery to have dinner with me and she asked me if it's a dinner date.

I don't know what to say.

I hope she won't push me away this time cause I won't hold my feelings any longer.

We went to a Japanese restaurant because she craves for sushi and ramen.

I am fond of Japanese foods too as fond as watching 'Naruto', a Japanese Manga series.

After the delicious dinner, I decided to take her to a place where I found solace.

It was in a park overlooking the city.

She said, "Thanks for bringing me here. I can finally breathe fresh air!"

I answered, "You took me to your favorite place once so I decided to show you the place where I can relax and ease my mind from stressors."

She asked, "Is it difficult when you have no choice but to kill?"

I uttered, "When I was doing my job for the first few weeks, I thought of quitting but quitters never win and winners never quit so I tried so hard to be accustomed to this job. In our job, it's to kill or be killed."

She said, "Do you feel guilty after killing?"

I answered, "No because I do not kill innocent people and it's my job to eliminate bad people!"

She implied, "Whoa! You sound like an assassin!"

She began to yawn and had droopy eyes.

My mon amour was tired. She leaned on my shoulders and she fell asleep.

I didn't bother her.

I caressed her long shiny hair and kissed her forehead.

She hugged me as soon as she felt the wind touched her soft skin.

I hugged her back and gave her the jacket that I wore.

That typical bad boy look helped every time cause I am always wearing my leather jacket.

I carried her and put her on the slightly bent chair so that she can be comfortable.

I drove her to her house and we arrived at around 10 in the evening.

I saw Uncle Harris and he just waved his hands.

I saw how his mouth uttered the words, "Thank you!"

This is indeed one of the special nights we shared together.

As soon as she gave me the signal that she also wanted to be with me, I'll take my chances.

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