Chapter 22- Present

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(Avery's point of view)

As soon as we reached Uncle Harris house in the morning, I saw my present parked in front of the house.

My Très Vite might get jealous but I love her and Red (I named Sin's present as Red).

I'll be using this new car soon.

"Do you like your new car?"asked by my handsome Sin.

I answered, "I don't just like it but I love it!"

I really love the color.

I hugged him and kissed him on his lips.

He said, "We're going to a party tonight so we can use your car."

I was confused and I asked, "Where are we going?"

He replied, "It's another surprise mon amour!"

I can't believe that Sin, a man who isn't into a committed relationship is also full of surprises.

After few minutes, Isla and Axel arrived.

Isla and I went to the kitchen to prepare for our lunch and I filled her in with what had happened in Mexico.

Sin, Axel and Uncle Harris went to the living room.

We are all going to wherever that surprise for me will be held.

Uncle Harris told me and Isla to look for gowns so that we can be presentable later.

Ugh! I was expecting to wear a comfortable shirt and jeans but I guess, it's a formal gathering.

After few hours of shopping, we already prepared for the said surprise.

Sin drove my new red car and we were a bit late so when we arrived, all eyes were fixed on us.

It was my fault because they still had to convince me to wear something exceptional.

Then here we are in a huge house full of unknown people.

I must say rich and powerful people because their clothes and jewels said it all.

Mr. Andre Wilson was here and then he came closer to me.

He called the attention of everyone.

He said, "I present to you my long lost daughter Avery Phoebe Wilson!"

Some of them applauded but I saw some of them frown and to my surprise, one of the visitors was Celine.

Celine came closer and she whispered, "You are trying to take Sin away from me and now you're also taking my dad. I hate you and I can't wait to get rid of you!"

I faked a smile and I swallowed very hard as I answered, "Good luck with that. You can't get rid of me easily."

I guessed I hit a nerve because she looked pissed.

I can't believe that she's my half sister.

I can't stay here any longer.

This is the kind of surprise that made me really disappointed instead of being excited and happy.

I went outside the mansion to blow off some steam.

After few minutes, Sin followed me and said, "I was looking for you!"

He handed me a glass of wine and I sipped it as I savor the taste of the fruity merlot.

"Why are you here all alone mon amour?"

I looked at him straight in his eyes and said, "Your ex girlfriend happened and I'm so disappointed to have her as my sister."

He replied, "Celine is not my ex girlfriend and I just spent a few hours having fun with her before we even met. I am also shocked that she is your half sister."

Damn right! He already knew that Barbie before me.

After a few minutes, Mr. Andre found us and said, "Avery, my daughter, this gathering is for you, come and join us inside!"

I answered, "Thanks for the effort Mr. Andre, I appreciate it but I already want to go home. A simple get together with the important people of my life would've sufficed instead of this extravagant party. Go back to your wife and daughter cause we're leaving!"

He answered, "Are we back to being strangers again? You can call me dad. By the way, my wife and daughter are both happy to see you."

I gave him a sarcastic smile and said, "Whatever keeps you sleep at night Mr. Andre!". I turned my back and then Uncle Harris approached me and said, "Let's get out of here! You're wicked stepmom and her daughter gives me the creeps."

"I'm glad we're on the same page uncle!" then we both laughed.

Axel and Isla went home ahead of us.

We started this day right and we ended it like this.

There's a pang of jealousy inside me because Mr. Andre looked happy with his new family.

Of all people why Celine?

I was also observing her mom and she stared daggers at me.

Something is off with both of them.

They act lovey-dovey when they were in front of Mr. Andre but they frowned when Mr. Andre turned his back on them.

Uncle Harris told me that my feelings towards them is understandable because I'm still new to them.

I told my uncle that I don't want to be a part of Mr. Andre's family.

I'm happy the way it is.

I went straight to my bedroom as soon as we reached our house.

Sin kissed me and he returned to his penthouse with Axel.

Isla stayed with me.

She said, "I don't really like that Celine! She's such a brat!"

I looked at her and answered, "That makes the two of us."

Isla uttered, "Be careful Av, that witch might do something against you.
She's so clingy to your dad and for obvious reason, I can say that she's obsessed with your man because he was following Sin the whole time."

I answered, "Don't worry, I'll dig deeper but for now, we have to sleep cause we have our work tomorrow. I'm really tired."

Before I finally closed my eyes, I turned to Isla who was already asleep and was already snoring.

Oh my! How did she do that?

How can someone sleep like that easily?

I tossed and turned.

Damn! I'm really tired but I couldn't get myself to sleep.

I went to the bathroom and called Sin.

"Hey Danger! I love you!"

He answered, "You miss me already? Go to sleep mon amour, I know you're tired. I'll see you tomorrow ok? I love you!"

I uttered, "See you tomorrow!"

After few more hours of counting sheep I was able to sleep.

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