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I groaned as we sat down in our normal seats on the Hogwarts express train, it was finally our fifth year at this stupid school and I was done. Draco sat next to Blaise, me and pug face Pansy sat across. even though I hated the girl, she was my friend since she never left us alone our first year.

"oh come on Loralie you can't possibly hate Hogwarts that much" I rolled my eyes at Blaise and looked out the window "i'd rather pitch myself off of the astronomy tower than do another year at Hogwarts" they all laughed and talked about other things.

a group of Gryffindors walked through our cabin to get to theirs, two brown haired kids walk by with a red head. "hey weaslebe nice sweater did mummy make it for you" I laughed at Pansy's lame roast on the poor boy that walked by.

"shut it Pansy"

I laughed harder and looked up at the googly eyed one "or what daddy is coming for us? oh wait you don't have any parents" I said as I laughed, Harry looked at me with shock on his face as we laughed.

Draco said something else as they walked away, but they didn't bother to care for the boy. his blonde hair shinned in the sunlight as the train turned on the tracks. "it's completely pathetic that Potter doesn't die whenever the dark lord goes after him" I scoff and fiddled with my ring I wore on my pointer finger.

"because he's the chosen one brother" he rolled his eyes and mocked me "chosen one sister" I kicked his shin from under the table. my dear brother winced as I did.

Pansy tried to make conversation with me but I blankly ignored the girl. she had always been by me whenever she found out I was a Malfoy, pathetic I say but she's so desperate that it's hard to live with it.

"seriously pug face no one gives a bloody shit for you" I mumbled as she talked about her summer break. Draco laughed but covered it with a cough "fine i'll leave" I waved goodbye to her as she grabbed her trunk as left us there.

I had friends that were already at Hogwarts, Mickey and Nora they were sent back too early in the summer. their parents absolutely hate them so they normally stay at the Malfoy Manor.

Nora and Mickey came to Hogwarts in their second year from some french wizard school I had no idea about. Mickey and I had this on and off relationship since nothing was ever our thing. we'd shag and go on about our day but lately he had feelings for me which I was not liking.

Nora and I were always friends since she first arrived, she was always there for me even though i've told her thousands of times I didn't need her to be there for me. one day she told me she had a thing for my brother, gross when I was shagging her brother but now I was tired of him. so I decided to help their relationship out.

my brother was a arse always will be. since he was my twin, I always had to protect him. father absolutely hated him and was the worst towards him. being father's favorite I always had to protect my arse of a brother.

not that I wouldn't but merlin knows how much I didn't like the way father would beat or talk to my mother. my brother wasn't always so bad but some days he was, his anger was like fathers and I never wanted him to beat on Nora.

"hey Lora come on" the train came to a halt and we all got up. I walked side by side with Blaise, his arms wrapping around my shoulders.

everyone filed into the Great Hall and sat at their respective tables. I filled my plate with food and started eating, a squeal came from behind me. "I haven't seen you in forever!" I turned around seeing Nora running towards me, I laughed as she shoved someone out of her way and hugged me tightly.

"i've missed you so much Loralie" she kissed my cheek, she filled her plate with food and blushed when Draco made eye contact with her. "gross" I whispered before stuffing food down my throat.

Blaise laughed and shook my brothers shoulders.

after we ate I walked with Nora back to the girls dormitory to set everything up.

our books and wands sat on the desk in our shared room, our beds sat on either side of the room with their own nightstand. I put my picture frame of my friends on the stand and sat down.

Nora changed into a tank top and sweatpants that had the house logo on it. "my brother misses you" I rolled my eyes once again and laid down on my bed, "as much as I hate it but you two would be cute together" I laughed and looked over at her "absolutely bloody not!"

I watched as the girl laughed and sat down "fine fine but it wouldn't hurt if you tried to have a relationship" Nora was kind of right. as much as I didn't want one, it was boring just sleeping around and not having someone to rely on.

Nora giggled and clapped her hands together "finally now go talk to him pleaseeee" I rolled my eyes and tied my hair up.

Mickey sat in the common room, his brown hair gelled nicely. not like how my brother had it the first two years of Hogwarts. that was embarrassing to walk around with him like that but he finally changed it when he hit puberty.

"hey" I sat down next to him on the couch, Mickey's hazel eyes looked into my grey ones. "I thought about you all break" I looked down at my hands, not that he made me melt but I couldn't let him do something.

"I know you aren't into commitment-" I pulled myself into his lap and kissed him deeply, "shut up Mick" he smirked. his warm hand gripping my neck, "have I told you, that you look absolutely stunning"

my face got hot, am I blushing I kissed him again before getting up. "i'll see you later Mickey" he nodded and looked back at the fire.

as I walked back to my dormitory, Nora was laying in her bed when I walked in. "how did it go" I removed my shirt, what do I say merlin he makes me feel things I hate.

I looked over at her "good" I said as I slipped on my shirt.

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