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the next day i woke up in Rons arms. his mouth was slightly open, soft snores came from him. i smiled and kissed his forehead and got up carefully to not wake him. as i got ready to go home and find out this secret. "where are you going" i turned to my bed seeing a sleepy Ron looking at me, i smiled and pulled up my skirt. "i'll be back before you know it okay?" i truly didn't want him to come with me, i didn't need him getting hurt because of me. not again. "Darling i thought we're going together" he sat up and rubbed his eyes "you promised me we would."

i smiled at him and sat down on the edge of the bed "i don't want you to get hurt, not again" i looked down at the scars on his chest, my heart breaking when i knew i was the one that caused them. "darling i'm going with you" i sighed and kissed him, i whispered the sleeping spell. Ron looked at me sleepily, i knew he was mad but it was for the best. "i'm sorry Ron" he fell back into my bed and closed his eyes.

i quickly grabbed my silver spoon then my coat in case it was cold.

Draco sat on the couch with Nora when i walked out, "Lora where's Ron?" i walked over to him and hugged him. "tell him i am sorry and that i love him okay? i need to do this alone" Draco nodded and hugged me back. "don't worry i'll be back" Nora smiled and pulled Draco back so i could leave.

the Slytherin common room transformed into the Malfoy Manor, it was my room. i sighed and put the spoon into my pocket before going down the hallway. my mum would be in her room at the moment since she would've just woken up.

as i knocked on her door she yelled "come in" i opened the door and looked at her sitting at her vanity. "oh darling what are you doing here?" she looked at me confused and smiled softly like she always did.

i sat next to her on the bench and rested my head on her shoulder. everyday when i was younger, before Hogwarts i would sneak into her room while she got ready. my mum never kicked me out, she would watch me talk about my dreams since i could always remember them. as she did her makeup she would let me braid her hair as i got taller.

"what is it darling?" i sat up and looked at her makeup that laid around the table. "mum it's about my boggart" she turned and looked at me. "it was me mum, but just different" my mum put her eyeliner down and took my hand. "why did i look like this" i pulled out a piece of paper that i had Draco draw on.

she examined it, "oh no" i watched as my mum stood up and closed her room door.

she walked over to me "Loralie i need you to know something come here sit" i sat on her bed as she stood in front of me. pacing around her room. "mum what is it?" i held my hand in my lap, fiddling with my rings.

"darling i should've told you sooner" she stood in front of me not moving. "you have a dark power" my mum grabbed my hands and looked at my rings. "the ring keeps it from lashing out" she smiled at the other one, Ron's ring. "each time you get angry it grows, that's why your father wanted you to run the death eaters."

i put my hands on my head, "what kind of powers do i have?" she thought about it for a second, "do you remember when Draco was reading those comics when we went to the shops?" i nodded and gasped. "oh my merlin" she looked at my hands again, "you can create magic just from your fingertips, i need you to know something."

"please don't use it for evil. i don't want your father to use you again" i nodded and hugged my mom, is that how i could get Ron to sleep without using my wand?

as i went back to Hogwarts, Draco was waiting in the common room for me to return. "Lora?" i just hugged him, he was confused for a second before hugging me back. "Draco i have powers, father wants to use it for evil. it's not bad but uhm kind of cool" i said with a smile. my brother was amazed, "like my comics?" i nodded and sat down explaining everything.

"wait so you hold all this power and i didn't know" i laughed at his jealousy. "it's not so fun since if i get angry it grows." Draco thought about it for a second "that's why the boggart wanted you let free?" i nodded and realized left Ron in my room. "i'll see you later" i quickly walked to my room.

Ron laid on my bed, his arms crossed and his face could show he was angry. "i can explain" Ron got up and grabbed my neck pushing me against the wall. "don't ever fucking do that again" i nodded and apologized a million times. "i'm sorry Ron" he smirked and kissed me, "good girl now explain" i nodded and walked with him to my bed.

as i explained everything, the powers, talking to my mum, and apologized again about putting a sleeping spell on him.

Ron just listened as i talked, i paced around the room as i talked. "that's so cool, do you know if anyone else can do this?" i shrugged and thought about it "Potter could but i don't know he only uses expelliarmus" we laughed at his best friend for not knowing so many spells.

"so now you can do magic without your wand?" i nodded and watched him look around the room, grabbing something out of my bag, "use a spell on this" he grabbed my mascara, the only spell that came to my mind was "reducto" he gasped as he watched the mascara bottle explode.

black ink exploded onto the desk, Ron walked over to it and looked back at me. "bloody hell" i looked at him then at the bottle, "i didn't know i could do that" i looked at my hand and thought of a mascara bottle, a new one. "accio" the bottle appeared into my hand, new and clean. Ron just sat down in shock.

"you won't see me any different?" Ron shook his head no and pulled me over to him, "darling i find this cool" i smiled and kissed him. "i won't use it on you ever again" i promised him again, i wish and hope i could keep it this time. Ron smiled and kissed me.

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