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it was the first Quidditch game of the new school year, Slytherins versus Gryffindor. father was arriving soon with mother. I was nervous since I had no idea why the both of them needed to be at a Quidditch game when my dear brother is hurt and I don't play. it's odd.

Nora talked to me about her relationship with Draco and I knew he told mother since he's close with her. it must be that, but why that important. I sighed into my seat for Charms. Nora sat behind me as she complained that we were doing the same spell as last week.

"look Lora" I turned around and saw Lavender with Ron, their hands glued together as they sat down in their seats. Lavender kissed him on the cheek before turning to her friends, Ron looked up at me and wiped away the kiss she left.

his eyes staring into mine, a small smirk rosed on his plump lips. "alright class let's get started" I kept my eyes on the boy, his body language told me he knew I was watching.

"hello sir could I go to the restroom" I politely asked the short Professor. Flitwick nodded as he walked away, I quickly got up and left the room.

my footsteps became in synced with someone else's.

I turned a corner and stopped, a body bumping into mine. gripping his warm hands onto either sides of my arms. "my father can't see you" I whispered towards him, his warm body came closer to me. pressing against my body.

"darling let him"

I smiled as I looked down at the ground, slowly turning around "no my love he can't my father is powerful and ruthless I do not need you getting hurt in my battles" I said as I held his head in my hands. "let him" he whispered again, stepping closer to me.

Ron smiled as he looked into my eyes, "I never understood why you hated me so much then, but now you give me love and warmth" I pushed myself up on my toes and crashed our lips together. our tongues danced together as my hands pulled lightly at his hair.

"my father cannot know"

I smiled a warm one then kissed him again, slowly grabbing his hands. "my love we won't get caught" I rolled my eyes and pulled him closer "goodbye Weaslbe" I kissed him before walking back to class.

Nora smiled as I told her about Ron on our way to the Quidditch field. she wanted to join the first year she came her but then finding out Slytherin team captain hated girls being on the team, made her not want to. I threatened the captain to let her but he denied unless I slept with him.

I hand my arm looped with hers, "hopefully we will win" Nora and I took our seats in the stands, I groaned as Blaise sat by me. his arm wrapping around me as he whispered in my ear "your father is in the teacher stands"

I looked over to the stands that were across the field and there he was. in his rich leather suit and black hat that hid him with money. I groaned then noticed my brother in his Slytherin outfit, his broom in his hands as he walked with his caption.

"what the bloody hell?" Nora squinted seeing her boyfriend on the field "no he's hurt we have to stop him" I put my hand up to stop her, Nora looked at me to protest but then just sat down.

Ron took his place by the goals, his hat fit weirdly on his head. I giggled as he looked over to where I was, fear rising on his face as he looked over to my father. Nora was complaining about Draco possibly getting hurt again but then realized she could save him so she shut up.

the game started, Harry turning in the air, my dear brother following after and almost slipping from his broom.

I sat on the edge of my seat as it came to the last quarter. my father grew to enjoy the game. Draco dived for the winged ball and only got shoved out of the way by a chaser on the Gryffindor team. I watched as my brother fell to the ground, holding his stomach as he cried out in pain.

Nora screamed and took off for him. I looked up seeing my father getting back to his normal face and walked away from the stands. leaving.

I picked myself up and ran to the field, my brother was being carried away in a carrier.

"go with him I have to find my father" I told Nora and she quickly followed after the nurses.

the game stopped and rounded the scores Gryffindor won like always. I picked up my pace as I ran to where my father was, he stood with my mother with a silver spoon in their hands. "father?!" he turned towards me, tapping his cane on the grass. my mother smiled as she saw me.

her peaceful arms wrapping around me as she kissed my forehead. "you leave not caring your son is hurt" my father looked away as I stepped up to him. my anger flowing through my veins "he played while hurt and you still don't care!"

father looked at me, his eyes full of anger i've never seen before. "don't ever talk to me like that" I let out a yelp as I fell to the ground, the painful sting of him slapping me. my mother gasped and came to my side to help me up.

a voice appeared behind us, Ron walked up to my father and cursed him for laying a hand on me. "don't ever touch your daughter like that" I looked at my father, him looking at me.

a hard whip of my father's cane hitting Ron's leg, knocking him over. I screamed and ran to Ron's side, "my daughter loves a Weasley. such a shame my darling." I pulled Ron up and let him lean on me. "I swear to every god in this world I will hurt you if you ever touch Ronald like that ever again"

my father scoffed at me and pointed his cane so it hit my chest. "you actually think this boy loves you?" I pushed the cane to the side and glared at my father "I wouldn't listen to you on advice of love, you barely can even treat my mother nicely. why would I ever listen to you!"

Ron held my hand as he showed fear.

my mother stood there, "my darling let's leave"

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