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i stayed with the Weasleys for winter break, well only the first week until Christmas then went to the Manor. school had started and everything was good. tomorrow was going to be the biggest Quidditch game ever, Slytherins versus Gryffindors. as much as it wasn't so interesting, the parents were allowed to this one. Father had agreed to let Draco play unless he got hurt since last time. mum was going to be there and she was going to help me with his power.

Ron had told me one of the nights we were sleeping he felt a burning as we cuddled. "your body was red like it was burning but you looked peaceful" i tried to figure it out since i couldn't remember it. his burns weren't so bad so i knew it wasn't too much. "were you having a dream?" i shook my head no before thinking.

my dreams were normal, sometimes they gave me messassages but this time nothing happened. my head was blank.

i walked with Nora to herbiology, our last class. "can't wait until the game it'll be so fun" we giggled and bet on the team that would win since our boyfriends were on different teams. "Ron is the best" she rolled her eyes and defended her boyfriend. we laughed as we knew they both were going to somehow mess up. Draco would get too nervous that father is there and try to prove him he's the best, somehow messing up in the process. Ron doesn't have confidence, so he wouldn't believe in himself.

which i've told him millions of gallons of times to just believe in himself or that he's better at keeper than i could ever be. some days i would go to practice with him if i wasn't busy and help him but i was more of a seeker since i always played with Draco. my father said "a girl shouldn't be a quidditch player. she needs to be clean and proper" but little did he know was that i was the reason why Draco was so good.

well other than the part he always messed up when he hated Potter before or whatever reason he had.

after class we walked to the dormitories and got ready, since it was going to rain i put on my dress pants i never wore. a sweater that Ron gave me that his mum made for him, i tied my hair into a messy bun and found two umbrellas for us. "come on" Nora waited at the door for me and we walked to the field. it wasn't raining now but you could tell it would.

we sat on the Slytherin side on the second row from the back, barely anyone was there since they didn't like the rain. "i hope we win" i overheard a first year say, "we won't win Malfoy will mess up" i wanted to push the kid over the rails but i kept my calm. Nora was angry to but she stayed calm. we cheered as the teams took into the sky, i smiled at Ron who looked nervous as ever.

i gave him thumbs up and winked which made him laugh, almost missing that the game had started. thunder rumbled in the distance, Draco got the ball and threw it to Blaise who ducked under Harry. i cheered as we got the first score.

the game went by perfectly, no mess ups. i spotted my mum in the teacher stands. my father glared at my brother who fumbled the ball almost dropping it. "come on Draco!" by this time Nora and i were on our feets yelling at whoever we could. the first years would tell us to stop being loud. "annoying" i heard one of them mumble.

i picked him up by his collar and dragged him to the rails, "shut your bloody mouth" he whimpered and held his hands together trying to make me let go. "i'm sorry i'm sorry" i smirked and felt a cold hand on my shoulder "let him go darling" my mother's voice was calming and warning like.

"i'm sorry mum" she moved my hair strand that fell from my bun, "don't worry we'll talk after the game, now where's this Ron?" i smiled and pointed out on the field, she gasped and got excited for me. "oh how much i've always wanted quidditch playing grandchildren" i laughed and looked at my mum "woah woah mum still too early"

she gave me a look, a weird look. "oh no wait what?!" my mum could tell if someone was pregnant, and apparently i was. "mum no" she smiled and felt my stomach, "darling it's okay still young enough if you want to not have it" i sighed and felt my stomach.

"but Ron wouldn't love it" she smiled "i think differently, now come on let's watch the game" i looked out on the field seeing Ron smiling at me, i gave a weak smile and followed my mum to where Nora was.

they gossiped as i just blankly nodded, what would Ron think.

how would i tell him.

after the game, the storm was getting worse so instead of celebrating everyone ran inside. i walked up behind Ron and covered his eyes. he gasped and touched my hands "vanella, it's Loralie" i smiled and walked in front of Ron. he picked me up and kissed me.

"we need to talk" he nodded and pulled me to the side after telling Oliver he would put his broom away in a minute. i cleared my throat wishing he would support it. "is everything okay? i saw your mum talking to you" i held his hands.

Harry rushed up to us "he's here we have to go" Ron nodded and looked at me "i'm sorry i'll be back before you know it" i smiled fakely and kissed him.

he rushed off before i could say "i love you"

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