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as school was coming to an end, the professor's decided together that they would let us go a week early. which was fine by me, since i was spending the summer with Ron for a while before going back home. it was going to be fun. Ron already told his mum about me going with him. she insisted that i would be there longer than i planned. Nora was too busy smiling and giggling over Draco to pack so i had to pack for her. which she was the worst packer in the world.

she just threw her things into her trunk and let it be.

i finished packing and walked to Mickey's dorm, he sat on his bed lazily packing. "hey Mick" i hugged him and saw the bottle in his hand, his eyes were puffy and bloodshot. i sighed and sat down, "i know it's tuff to move on without mummy Megan, i miss her too. she wouldn't want you drinking till you can't visually see again." he chuckled "that doesn't sound so bad" i laughed and wrapped my arm around him "do you have to go to the burrow for that long" Mickey stumbled around his room, "i'll be back before you know it okay?"

he nodded and let me pack his things. as he took a shower i finished packing his things. i left his dormitory and walked to the common room, pug face Pansy was sitting on the couch smuggly. Blaise sat on her side and talked to her weirdly. "oh look it's scararms" i rolled my eyes and walked outside of the common room. everyone was packing so no one was in the halls. i heard laughter coming from down the corridor and i followed the noise.

i saw Fred and George were flying on their brooms, "boys what are you doing?" they both spotted me and got down from their brooms. "hi Lora how is it going?" i looked around the Great Hall seeing the mess, streamers and tables were flipped "we have to get out of here before they catch us" i ran with them out of the Great Hall and laughed with them.

i could tell the difference between them. Fred was much more outgoing, prankster and just more louder than George. "Georgie that was better, you need to move quicker like that" i laughed and watched them be goofballs. they were a dream, not in a crush way but in just being the most perfect twins. as much as i loved Draco, us being related was different. he wasn't always depending on me which was fine. he could sometimes know what i was feeling but that was it. it was never all the time.

as i dragged my trunk with me, Draco was complaining about not seeing me for a long time. "oh stop it brother. i'll be back before you know it" as i walked with him he still was complaining.

i sat with my back resting on the window still, Nora and Mickey talked about how they could cheer up Thomas. which was fine.

the train came to a halt, everyone was saying their goodbyes. i was going to miss them, i truly was going to. "i'll be back before you know it" we all went our separate ways, finding Ron was easy.

since his whole family is red heads it was easy to spot them. i smiled as i hugged Ron, "this is my mum and dad" i smiled at the two, Mrs.Weasley gave me a big hug and thanked me for being there for Ronald. Mr.Weasley kept saying i could call him Arthur the whole time.

the burrow was beautiful, weirdly built.

as everyone walked in Ron showed me to his room, "Ronald Weasley!" i laughed at his face as he turned and looked down the stairs seeing his mother scolding him "make her feel like home!" he sighed thinking it was something worse but he just smirked at me, "i sure will mum!" i followed him into his room. it was on the fifth floor, just perfect.

two beds sat in the room just barely beside each other. "don't worry Harry use to sleep there, he still does" i put my trunk down by the bed and sat down, relaxing my muscles. Ron removed his shirt since he thought it'd be cold. "oh love" i mumbled, he flexed his muscles as he put a flannel on, i stood up and walked over to him. slowly rubbing my hands on his shoulders. "what's wrong darling?" i smiled and kissed his neck moving up to his lips.

he let out a small groan, "i'm the only one that sleeps up here darling" he whispered in my ear as i smirked. pushing him to his bed and sitting on his hips, grinding my hips with his. our lips danced together as we created friction. "bloody hell Loralie" he moaned, i smiled and kissed his neck. "we should go downstairs before someone wonders why we aren't there"

Ron groaned again and stood up before pulling me in by my neck, "we're not done" i smirked as he kissed me.

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