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I sat in the Great Hall, food scattered around on my plate. Nora talked about charms class that was full of something she found interesting. "so I told Flitwick that I wouldn't do that anymore and apparently he's taking house points" she said as she rolled her eyes.

my attention was somewhere else, Ron sat with his friends. his head hung low as he ate his food. "if you keep stalking him it won't help if you just talk to him" I turned back around and kicked Blaise's shin "shut it Zabani"

they laughed as Blaise groaned in pain, "he does have a point Lora go talk to him" I sighed and looked back at where he was, his red hair glistening "I can't it's best if he doesn't do anything with me" my friends and brother nodded in agreement.

"turn to page 394" everyone flipped their textbooks, pages fanning in the wind. my brother sat next to me as he didn't even bother to open his textbook. I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest "pay attention"

Professor Snape walked around handing each table one vile. "today we will be doing the amortina potion" a young Ravenclaw raised her hand "isnt it a love potion sir?" Snape nodded and came to our table, handing me the vile.

"now take this time to well smell your potion"

I took it out of my brothers hand and turned towards Nora "wish me luck" I raised the vile to my nose and smelt it. a weird smell came to me, I made a questionable look then looked past Nora and Crabbe seeing Ron laughing with Hermione.

"no bloody hell no" I quickly gave the vile to Draco and turned back around. Nora giggled as Draco looked at her, "flowers a rich kind, pumpkin pasties, and lavender" I gagged and looked back down at the vile, slowly picking it up and smelling it again.

"please don't be Ron" I smelt firewood, mint, and soft smell of something I couldn't put my finger on. I groaned and placed it back on the table, Nora leaned over her table "you smelt Ron didn't you?" I nodded as she whispered into my ear.

she pierced her lips together "you should talk to him after all you love him" I scoffed and walked away.

why Ron out of all people some boy that father wouldn't ever approve.

I walked down the corridor back to the Slytherin common room to rest in my room. a soft warm hand pulled me to the side, "hey there beautiful" I tried to be careful not to smile. his warm smell put me to ease.

focus Loralie you can't be distracted by him

Ron's green eyes made me melt, his plump lips moved gracefully as he talked mesmerizing me. "Ron Ron just stop please" he backed away looking at me concerned "what is it what's wrong?"

I looked down at my hands, fiddling with my ring "we can't do this Weasley you know that" Ron stepped forward, his warm hands lightly holding my face.

his soft lips touched mine, passion and lust flew through us. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him deeper, our tongues dancing. "i'm so sorry I have to go" I whispered before walking quickly down the hallway.

I heard Ron call out to me but I walked faster, turning corners hoping I lost him. I felt dizzy, my vision getting darker, my breathing became labored no no breathe come on tears streamed down my face as I quickly tried to wipe them away.

"what the hell?! oh Lora? hey hey Lora"

I pushed past my brother as I walked down the corridor. Loralie come on just breathe I let out a sob as I fell to the ground. a loud scream came from me, a pair of cold hands wrapped around me "hey hey breathe come on breathe" my brothers voice spoke to me.

tears streamed down my face as I looked into my brothers eyes, his hands holding me close. "breathe Lora come on" he did the counting exercise that helps when I have certain panic attacks. his hands rubbed soft small circles on my shoulders as he held me.

my breathing became normal and I could talk again.

"what happened?" I hugged him "hey hey what happened" Draco pulled me up off of the ground and walked with me to the common room. "I can't stay away from him, he always finds some way to find me. Draco i'm scared father is going to hurt him" my brother looked down at his feet as he fiddled with his ring.

I sighed as I leaned back onto the couch "he's coming to Hogwarts for the first Quidditch game" Draco mumbled and looked up at me. "what?" Draco bit his lip trying to not repeat what he said "no he can't why? you aren't playing right?" my brother shrugged then looked back down at his ring.

"somethings up with him we'll find out together"

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