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it was Fred's funeral, i was at the burrow with everyone. Ron was changing, he was sad all the time. i made sure he ate, i made sure everyone did since they were broken. i knew today was going to be hard.

as Ron and i got ready he slowly brushed his teeth. i put on a black dress that was plain, Ron walked behind me and sat down on his bed. "come on we'll be late" he kept his head down, i walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"everything will be okay my love" i wiped away a tear and kissed him, "i promise" he kissed me and finished buttoning up his shirt. i held his hand softly as everyone got into the car.

as we drove to the place, a weight hovered over us.

the happy family lost someone, more important than a lot.

i stood in the rain, a black umbrella blocking it away from my clothes. Ron held my hand, sniffling in the pain of his brother. i looked over my shoulder and spotted a dark figure on the hill. "i'll be right back" i kissed Ron's cheek before going to the hill.

the dark figure stood with a hood over his head and a black umbrella. "what are you doing here Draco" my brother turned and looked at me, his grey eyes looking at me.

"how are they?" i pierced my lips together and oved my hair back out of my face. "i don't know it's terrible to watch" Draco put his head down and huffed, "i shouldn't have built that cabinet"

i hugged him, "don't worry brother, just don't leave me any time soon" Draco chuckled and shook his head "i couldn't dare" we laughed.

he left to go back to Hogwarts since i wasn't going to be home so he saw no purpose of it. i stood next to Ron, tears streamed down his face as we stepped up to say our goodbyes. Fred's lifeless body laid in his coffin, he looked alive but dead. i held Ron's hand tightly as he cried harder, seeing his brother dead was hard. i couldn't imagine how much pain they were going through.

as we walked into the house, it was quiet.

no one dared to speak.

i took Ron to his room, laying him bed knowing he was sick and tired. "i'll be right back" he rolled over so his back was towards me, not saying anything. i sighed and pulled the blanket up so he wasn't cold.

i walked out of the room going to Ginny's room, Harry comforted her. his arms wrapped around her as she mourned her brother. "i'm sorry, can i talk to you Harry" he nodded and i turned around the corner so i left them space.

Harry and i stepped outside, "okay so there's a war coming which you know, but i need to tell you something" Harry nodded waiting for me to say something. i looked down and sighed quietly, "i have to kill you i'm sorry" Harry looked at me and backed away, scared. "no no you have to understand i don't want to, Voldemort was going to but i convinced him to make me do it."

he looked at me weirdly, "then what he's going to watch" i looked around and then opened my pocket which made Harry jump back. "so the day of, drink this. i promise you it won't kill you if i use the death spell" Harry looked at the bottle in my hand, the green liquid made him feel uneasy.

"no one can know, promise me." Harry nodded and said he promised.

i handed him the vile then walked in, soon he followed after. i walked back to Ron's room and he was sound asleep in bed. "i'm sorry Ronnie" i kissed him and grabbed my back before transporting to the Malfoy Manor.

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