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"Lora! baby come on wake up" a shaking motion filled me, "darling come on!" soft warm hands touched my face, I slowly opened my eyes. Ron stood over me, his face was red from crying. he sighed in relief that I was alive. I looked down seeing a glass from the chandelier in my stomach, "breathe darling"

I nodded and looked back at Ron, he looked around and nodded at my brother. Draco picked me up and carried me to one of the cars that sat out front.

"no no keep your eyes open come on" I smiled weakly, my brother tried to keep me awake but I was tired.

*start of dream*

I woke up with a massive headache, I groaned as I felt my head. almost felt like it was going to beat outside of my skull. "Loralie" I turned my head seeing Ron, he smiled at me. "Ron?" he sighed in relief, "you're okay. just at a muggle hospital" I smiled weakly.

after I finally ate something, Ron told me what had happened. "something happened, uhm darling you were pregnant" everything became swelled, I couldn't breathe. "it's okay right is the baby okay?" Ron held my hand to tell me the news.

"no Lora the glass punctured it" even though I didn't know I was pregnant, it still hurt. Ron kissed my forehead and sat back down in the seat by my hospital bed. the smell of weird medicine made me want to gag.

I looked at Ron, "can I still have babies?" he nodded and smiled "of course love" I sighed, closing my eyes.

Ron stayed by my side, no matter how many times I wanted him to check on Hermione or his family. he stayed, he would only leave to use the loo or get food for us. "what are your dreams after Hogwarts?"

the question surprised me, as much as it was almost our sixth year. I wasn't ready for the real world. I was going to miss the school and all the people in it. "I don't know maybe travel" Ron fiddled with something in his hand, I leaned over and saw it was my ring.

he had it in his hand, "how did you get that" I looked at my hand and saw the one he gave me. the one in his hand must be the one Draco and I have. "you said I could mess with it" I gave him a confused look and held my hand out "can I have it back? I never take it off"

Ron nodded and gave me back the ring, "they questioned me about your death eater mark but I didn't tell them" I looked at my ring. I never take it off, why would I just give it to him. as Ron kept talking I looked at him, it's not him.

"what's my favorite color?" I asked, Ron looked at me confused and chuckled like I was being crazy. "what is my favorite color Ron" he scooted closer to me, his hand grabbing my wrist.

"you're not Ron! where is he" the doppelgänger got up and choked me, "you actually think Ronald fucking Weasley would come save you" I gasped as his hand tightened around my neck, "stop please" I croaked out.

*end of dream*

as I shot up out of my dream, my palms were sweaty and my hair was a mess. Draco shot up out of his seat and ran to my side "you're okay this is a hospital" I looked around frantically but calmed down, "Ron, Ron he's not okay"

Draco grabbed my hand to stop me from getting up, "stop Lora you been asleep for two weeks stop" I winced as I felt the scar on my stomach, "what happened" Draco helped me back into the bed.

"the chandelier fell on you. and well the glass piece got into you making you lose a lot of blood" his eyes got watery "I thought you were going to die" I held my hand out for him to take "i'm sorry Draco"

it was scary seeing my brother in this fear of losing me. I never left his side, barely. we always were together, we made a promise none of us would die. it must've been heart wrenching for him.

"Draco where's mum?" he smiled "getting breakfast for us well I should make sure she gets some for you right?" I smiled and looked down at my hands seeing both of the rings. "what's wrong?" I told him not to worry.

something was wrong. I could feel it.

"Draco where's Ron?" he turned around and took the last sip of water he was drinking. he shrugged "when the chandelier fell on you, he lost himself. thinking you were dead since we came to the hospital and well you were pronounced dead." I gasped.

"he went back home. talked to no one for a while. I even checked on him through his family and they said he's barely going well."

I felt the ruby on the ring he gave me. "I need to see him" he's okay Loralie. I let out a shaky breath and kissed the ring, "please Draco" he sighed and grabbed a phone to call him.

"hello, yes this is Draco Malfoy. i'm calling because Loralie is awake. she wants to see Ronald"

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