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as I walked in, death eaters walked around. a uneasy feeling settled in me. my mother was too busy trying to make sure they were all happy on their stay to care I was there. I snuck through them and to my father's office. he stood there with Mickey, a wand piercing his skin as he was giving Mickey the dark mark.

"father!" he looked up and stopped, a small smirk appeared on his face as he walked towards me. "when did you get here darling, I don't remember having you come here" i stormed past him and looked at the mark, "are you kidding me?!" you idiot" i smacked Mickey's head and dragged him out of the office.

my father tried following behind us but got distracted by some death eater.

i dragged the boy into my room and looked at the dark mark. "are you stupid?" Mickey sat on my bed and scratched the mark, making me slap his hand way. "i'm sorry Lora i had to" i sat next to him and wiped away the small blood.

"does it hurt?" even though i didn't have one, my father is making me and my brother get one since we are apart of the death eaters. not that i didn't want to not do but we had to.

Mickey nodded, still not looking me in the eyes. "why did you do this" he shrugged and looked away. examining my room, "your room never changed" i laughed and laid my head on his shoulder, "is something happening to mummy Megan?" Megan was Mickey and Nora's mother.

she was a muggleborn married to a pureblood, they were perfect. Thomas, Nora and Mickey's father, was a death eater when they got married. Megan was fine with it, knowing that he could switch sides and almost kill her. they always did everything together, whenever they came to the Malfoy Manor. Megan would help my mother with the food, they were best friends.

"she's dead Loralie, that's why i am a death eater" my heart dropped as i looked at him in fear. "no it cant be true" i ran to Mickey and hugged him tightly. he sobbed into my shoulder. i just held him in my arms.

after a while he fell asleep on my bed, his face was puffy from crying.

i walked down the stairs and saw my mum in the kitchen with her head in her hands. "mum" she turned and looked at me, her face was bruised. "mum? what is this" she cried as i hugged her, looking at the bruises. "was it father?" she nodded and i pulled away from her. "i'm going to kill him" i muttered and walked out of the kitchen going into my father's office.

my hands were shaking with anger, my mother followed behind me as i sped into the office. "you bloody dickhead! you actually think it's okay to beat your wife!" i screamed at him, throwing things. my father looked to who he was talking to and it was the one and only lord Voldemort. i got wide eyed and backed away as Voldemort walked over to me.

"anger issues, aren't you special darling? could you come here" i stepped forward, "you know who Harry Potter is right?" i nodded and looked to my father. his cane tapped the floor as the man spoke to me. "a strong Malfoy. where's the other?" my father cleared his throat "at Hogwarts" i mumbled. Voldemort smirked and lightly moved my hair "a beautiful girl isn't she Lucius" my father nodded, no fear or anything written on his face.

i moved slightly away from Voldemort's touch, he laughed and grabbed my hand. "i see you with Ronald Weasley at Hogwarts. you're dating him. oh but he loves someone else" i pulled my hand away and looked up at him "may i be excused" my father nodded.

as i walked back to my room, i let out a shaky breath. what the bloody hell was that? why did he say Ron liked someone else? i walked into my room and saw Mickey changing. nothing i've seen before but this time i covered my face. "merlin! Mickey don't do that" he chuckled and finished buttoning his shirt.

i pulled out my silver spoon, "we have to leave" Mickey turned to me and held my face "he touched you didn't he?" i nodded, looking down at the ground.

we held the spoon and everything became blurry.

as we arrived back to Hogwarts everyone looked at us weirdly then let us walk. i made it my mission to know who Ron fancied. i walked down the corridor and saw Ron smiling at a girl, her brown crazy hair was covering her face. Gryffindor robes wrapped around her as she held her books. its Hermione Granger . of course it is.

i sighed and turned back around bumping into someone. "merlin! watch where you're going" i bent down and picked up the pair of glasses then saw the face. Harry Potter. Cho Chang stood next to him as i handed him the glasses. "sorry i didn't see you. Cho was messing with my glasses" i sighed and looked at her "keep a better watch on your boyfriend" i said harshly before returning to the Slytherin common room.

as i walked in, Draco was waiting on the couch for me. well i was hoping it was me. he stood up angrily and stormed towards me, "your little boyfriend is cheating on you" he sneered, i laughed and put my hand on his shoulder "don't worry little brother, i knew he was. Voldemort also told me" i said the last piece quietly so no one else would hear.

Draco looked at me with fear, "what?" i nodded and walked him to the couches by the window. "he was at the house when i went to get Mickey. Mummy Megan passed away and Mickey is a DE" Draco put his head down. "i know but anyways he was there and he touched my hand and told me what was happening. it was weird" Draco looked up and sighed "so he knew Ron was cheating. i didn't know he had powers other than you" i smiled.

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