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i watched as my father burned alive, his skin melting from his body as his screams became inaudible. my mother looked away as his bones fell from his stance onto the ground. i looked over my shoulder and saw Ron trying to kill Nagini, i ran towards him. Ron looked at me and smiled, "you look like a mess" i laughed and fired a spell at Nagini.

"Ron" we fell to the ground and held each other as the snake slithered up to us, out of nowhere a scream came from Neville. a huge sword in his hands as he strike at the snake, killing Nagini.

i helped up Ron and looked at the brave boy, "how how did you do that" he smiled and shrugged "i'm proud of you Neville Longbottom" he gave me a bigger smile as he ran away to protect Luna. i knew they'd get together, they always were together.

"come on" i followed behind Ron as we arrived to Harry and Voldemort. they shot spells at each other.

"expelliarmus" Harry yelled, his red light shot at Voldemort. "avadra kedavra" Voldemort said, his green light clashing with Harry's. i covered my eyes as the lights became brighter.

Ron held me close and put his head in my shoulder. "i'm sorry my love" i whispered to him, he kissed my cheek and smiled "i can't believe you kept a secret" we laughed and shielded each other.

the bright light went away, there was Harry. he looked exhausted. Hermione ran towards him and held him up. everyone stopped, realizing the dark lord was dying. he screamed as he turned to dust.

the death eaters all disappeared into black smoke.

i looked at my mum "i love you" she mouthed and disappeared into black smoke.

i turned and saw Ron smiling at me, "we did it" he yelled and picked me up, swirling me around. i smiled and kissed him.

everyone at Hogwarts was happy. we won this horrible war. "i'm proud of you my darling" he kissed my forehead and we walked out of Hogwarts, everyone did.

we were all exhausted, covered in dirt, dried blood splattered on our clothes.

i looked up at the smoked sky, a small smile rested on my lips. "thank you Draco" a tear fell down my face as i walked with Ron. our hands tied together.

*19 years later*

we stood in the terminal for the Hogwart express. Ron had his arm wrapped around my shoulders as he talked to our son, Draco. i named him after my brother, though i shouldn't have but i needed a memory of my passed brother. "you'll be fine there alright son" i rolled my eyes at him and his "dad talk" i placed my hands on either shoulder, "make sure you Owl me no matter what" i said as i kissed his forehead.

i looked to my left seeing George with Angelina Johnson, his son Fred and daughter Roxanne. Hermione and Mickey, yes Mickey, their daughter Rose. Harry and Ginny smiled as their sons Albus and james sat in their seat on the train.

Nora had moved to France after the wizarding war, she got married to some french man and started getting happier.

everything was perfect. i was pregnant with my second child, a girl. Ron was going to name her Molly since i named the first.

"hopefully Hogwarts is better than when we were there" Harry said, we laughed as we waved to our kids. the train left the station by the time we walked to our cars. Ron and i lived in the Malfoy Manor since my mother gave it to us. we decorated it better.

the darks were still there but now it looked more lively. we threw birthday parties, new years, christmas, halloween and everything you could imagine.

my mum lived there since the house was big enough but she was rarely there. mostly in Italy for her job that she always wanted.

"i love you Loralie Weasley" i smiled and kissed Ron's cheek as he drove.

everything was beautiful. i was happy.

i smiled as i looked out the window, the wind blowing into the windows as we drove. Ron sang to the song on the radio.

"i love you Ronald Weasley"

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