767 10 2

warning this chapter as progress to rape in it.

it was finally winter break. i ended it with Ron, i needed to. he was angry but i didn't care. Draco and Nora were finally actually dating which was cute but still hurt since i had just broke up with Ron. i was happy for them and made sure they were happy. everyone was staying at the Malfoy Manor for the two weeks. something was going to happen i could feel it.

the train ran on the tracks as we sat there talking about merlin knows what. i rested my back against the window and ate chocolate frogs. Draco sat next to Nora, his arm draped over her shoulders. Mickey sat by me, his head resting in his head resting in his hand. "oh come on Ron let's go!" i watched as the boy ran by with his friends. Harry turned his head, his lips turning into a small smirk.

i looked away with a red tent on my cheeks.

once we arrived to the Malfoy Manor, my mum greeted us and told us to get ready for lunch. we all got to our rooms and put our trunks away. i changed into a black buttoned up shirt and green plaid skirt. i slipped on my black slip ons and fixed my hair. as i walked downstairs, Mickey held my hand. "i heard your father talking about you" i turned and looked at him confused.

"he thinks that if you turn into a death eater your power will become darker so you don't ever talk to Harry and them" i sighed and walked down the stairs. i don't believe this.

as we all sat down, my father sat at the head of the table with my mother to his left. i stared down at my food, it was lamb chops with beans and broccoli. two known death eaters walked in, Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback's son, Noel Greyback. the boy was just rotten in his own way. worst than Bellatrix. i felt terrible that they had to deal with him.

his temper was the worst and he never cared on who he took it out on. i sighed as he sat across from me. Noel smirked evilly at me, his blue eyes taunting me.


as we ate in silence, my father stood up. tapping his glass of scotch. "attention, today we are here to celebrate my daughter becoming apart of our army." i looked at Draco in fear, my own brother looked away from me. he knew. i wanted to hit him but i stayed in my seat, a small fake smile plastered on my face.

everyone stood up after lunch and walked into the living room. Draco stood by my mother as we just stood there. "come forward" i let out a shaky breath, unholding Draco's hand and walking towards my father. Noel grabbed my wrist and held me there. i couldn't run.

the painful sharp needle feeling pierced into my sides. i didn't have it where everyone normally got theirs. mine was on my ribcage. i screamed as the pain stabbed worse. Nora had tears in her eyes as she held Draco's hand. "now you'll work for me that's so sweet" i gritted my teeth together as i looked at Noel who whispered into my ear.

when i was done, the redness and scratches from it hurt. swollen from just being tatted. Noel walked me to my room, as much as i didn't want to, i was weak. "such a good girl with terrible morals" Noel grabbed my neck, pulling me towards him. "let me go Noel" he smirked and kissed me, i tried to pull away from him but he pushed me onto my bed. "silencio" Noel spelled the room. i screamed wishing my brother would hear me.

tears streamed down my face as Noel pushed his pants down.

"please just stop" i begged him to stop. i was in pain, i just wanted to be in my room. alone.

pounding on the door filled the room. "open the bloody door right now Noel!" i cried harder as Noel stepped away "you bitch, you love me" i curled up into a ball, my head buried into my knees. "Draco!" my brother was beating Noel on the ground, blood spilled around them. Nora ran over to me, "Loralie i'm right here come on we're going somewhere" she picked me up carefully and helped change me while my brother and hers were beating Noel.

"boys i'll meet you later" they nodded as Draco gave me a look, a look that he was sorry.

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