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after a couple days of my stay at the hospital i was finally allowed back at home. i wanted to know why my dream, or whatever it was. i needed to know why it was so vivid. Ron visited me after my brother called for him, Ron was a little different. almost like he was full of himself. i didn't want to ask so i didn't say anything.

"Ron come on!" i smiled as he walked up the stairs, he still had a cut on his eyebrow from Noel scratching him. he walked into my room, his red hair pushed back and his freckles were better shown. we laid on my bed "you're beautiful my love" i smiled and kissed him.

i ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his neck. "Ron we shouldn't" he smirked as he kissed down my chest to my stomach. not even caring of the huge scar on my stomach. "Ron stop" he kissed just above my skirt line.

"Ron stop please"

i closed my eyes, a fast motion fell on me. "get off of her Ron" i opened my eyes seeing Ron of the ground holding his stomach. "Lora are you okay" i nodded and looked at the redhead on the ground.

"it's not Ron" i whispered into Nora's ear, she gave me a confused look before looking at Ron. "my Ron would stop if i told him" i whispered again. Nora helped me up and called a house elf to get whoever it was off of my bedroom floor.

as he got dragged out, i followed behind. "we need to go to the burrow somethings wrong" Nora nodded and walked with me to the front of the Manor.

Nora drove over to the burrow which took two hours to do so. the house was the same, small lights came from each room. i walked to the front door and knocked, "is anyone home?" i shrugged and opened the door.

i held my wand in my hand and so did Nora.

we walked around the house, it was a mess on the inside. "oh no no" i ran up the stairs and into Ron's room, the whole room was upside down. the beds were flipped and the clothes were scattered across the floor. i gasped as i saw a piece of parchment on the desk.

if you wish to see the Weasley's again come to the Greyback hut.

i put the parchment into my coat pocket then walked into each room just in case someone was there. it was empty other than me and Nora being there. i drove over to the hut and saw two wolves out front.

Nora kept her guard up "shouldn't we get more people here instead of just us" i shook my head no and glared at the two wolves that mounted up onto their hind legs.

"down Xavier" the wolf whined at me but i ignored him and kept walking.

as i walked to the front door i didn't bother to knock. Nora stayed behind me as i walked through the hallways and saw Fenrir in the garden. i stormed up to him and stopped as i felt a strong force to my stomach. "dare to step forward and challenge the great Fenrir Greyback" i rolled my eyes and shot "expelliarmus"

he groaned as his wand flew back behind him. "where is Ron" i demanded. he chuckled and charged towards me, his claws forming. "Lumos!" a bright light from Nora's wand, Fenrir whined as he fell onto the ground. his paws covered his eyes.

"where is Ron" i demanded again, Fenrir tried to get back up but Nora shoved her wand to where he could see it. he whined again and covered his eyes, "where is Ron, now!" Ferir stood up weakly and kept his eyes covered. he smirked "somewhere" i shot a unforgiving spell.

Nora gasped as the body of Ferir disappeared.

i stormed back to my house knowing only one person would know where he was, well two but only one would tell me.

"Father!?!" i screamed and saw a house elf jump at my voice. Nora stayed a couple seconds behind me as i stormed into his office, Draco was sitting in the chair in front of the desk. "Loralie what are you doing up?" i stormed past Draco and slapped my father, "where is he?!" my father glared at me with dark eyes but i didn't care. "i raised you to be the next in line for leading, i don't need you falling for someone that would distract you."

i screamed into his face and looked at Draco, "i don't want to be this! i want to be happy!" Draco looked down, not in shame but in happiness that i was finally standing up to my father about this. "you have to, you're stronger than Bellatrix" i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "where is Ron Weasley and his family" i asked calmly, my father waved to the side and a guard pulled him into the room. bruises filled his face with little cuts.

"did you do this?" i rushed over to him as he laid on the ground, his eyes were too puffy to see. "i'm right here love you don't have to worry anymore" i had Draco help him up as i walked back to my father, "if i were to run this team, i'd use it to murder every death eater that laid a hand on him!"

my father didn't say anything, i knew he was thinking of how to change my mind but he couldn't not when he hurt Ron and his family. "don't ever come near me or the Weasley's"

as i helped him back to his house i sent Nora and Mickey to find his family and to bring them back home. i stayed by Ron's side as he rested in his bed, "Lora is it true?" i turned my head seeing my brother "is what brother?" he sighed and set down his coat "that you wouldn't run the death eaters" i smiled and looked down "i couldn't after this i'm done, after Hogwarts i'm leaving brother."

i looked back at Ron who was asleep, "i couldn't put them through this again" i held Ron's hand and looked back at Draco. he had his head hung low, "father told me something bad" he sunk down into the couch, "Draco?" he sighed again and laid his head back, "father wants me to kill Dumbledore" Draco mumbled the name. i gasped and heard the door open downstairs. "we're back!"

we walked down the stairs and there they all were, covered in dirt and scratches but not too much like Ron. "where's my son" Arthur stepped forward i pointed to his room, "in his room, he's resting" Molly pushed past me and ran up the stairs. tears swelled in my eyes as i looked over at the rest. Ginny looked away from me. "i'm sorry, i truly am please" i begged for their forgiveness.

Draco checked on Nora as i begged for them to forgive me. Ginny looked up at me, evil resting in her eyes "stay away from us" i nodded and walked out of the room to Ron's room to get my things.

Molly cried into Ron's body as Arthur rubbed her back, "she is evil Ron, you have to know that" i looked down at my feet and turned around. leaving.

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