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i finally woke up, a bright light blinding me as i tried to cover my eyes. "Lora don't" i looked to my side and saw Ron, his eyes were puffy and bloodshot. he stood by the side of the bed and held my hand.

"Ron what happened?" he sighed and let out a sob, i ran my hand through his hair as he leaned down. "Ron?" i saw his head resting on my stomach, i quickly moved his head and saw my stomach. it was flat, like no pregnancy flat.

i looked back at Ron, "Ronald tell me what happened" he looked at me and sobbed again, "we lost the baby" i felt the walls closing in, i gasped and looked down at my stomach. clutching it, "no no" tears streamed down my face as i sobbed, Ron laid his head near mine. "i'm sorry love"

after a couple days of staying at the hospital i could finally go home. my mother was making sure no one would bother me, especially my father.

i laid in my bed, curled in a ball. i barely ate or drank anything other than some fireball. Nora would try and get me to drink water but i would throw it at her making her leave. "leave me alone!" Draco sighed as he set down the tray on my night table. "Loralie please eat i can see your cheek bones"

Draco left out of my room, sighing.

i looked at the food, groaning and picking myself up. i felt my hands burning the oranges, "darling stop" i heard my mother speak, slowly walking over towards me. "come on you need to shower and clean up" i rolled my eyes and walked with her to tub. the green tiles shined from the bathroom light turning on.

my mother undressed me out of my sweatpants and a hoodie i wore, "your father is having voldemort come over, since he feels your power is grown greater" she washed my hair as i sat in the tub, "darling promise me you won't be evil like your father" she kept speaking, but no words came from me.

i couldn't speak, i didn't have energy to speak.

"Loralie please" i nodded still looking down at my hands. as i looked into the mirror, my features were skinny. my ribcage stuck out, my cheek bones shown more than anything. my mother stood behind me and moved my hair "darling you look beautiful" i rolled my eyes and stormed past her.

i changed into a black dress. it had lace sleeves that also went around my neck, it was short, i wore black boots with three inch heels on them. my mother watched as i did my makeup dark, "i'll see you in the dining room"

after i was done i walked down the stairs, a bunch of death eaters turned and looked at me. stopping their conversations just to eye fuck me, "what" i said in a voice i barely speak in. Draco sat in his seat, i sat next to him. staring at my food waiting for the bald man to appear.

as he did we all stood up and greeted him. when he got to me, his eyes wandered over my body.

"where is Ronald?" i sat down not caring and shrugged at his question, to be honest i pushed him away. after i found out i told him to leave, not in a nicer way. which i shouldn't have done since Ron was always the one i could just lay with and i would be fine. "i could care less on where he is" Draco looked at me weirdly.

Voldemort chuckled and took his seat at the head of the table.

as he talked about his plans on ruining Hogwarts, i sat there listening to him. my brother sat there not wanting to be apart of this army. i knew he loved Hogwarts and would do anything to avoid ruining the school. i chuckled as Voldemort said "i will kill Harry Potter" everyone looked at me as i kept laughing. my father shushed me, well tried to.

"sir you actually think you could kill him?"

Voldemort glared at me as i sat up in my seat, my mother looked at me scared. "you have an issue with it?" i nodded and stood up looking around the table then at my brother, "i'll say this as nice as i can but sir he was only a year old when you first tried killing him, you failed it. yet each year you send things after him, killing people he loves around him. yet you still lose. each. time"

i knew everyone was waiting to attack me and put me in the basement as some punishment. Voldemort stood up and walked over to me, "you think you can kill him?" i laughed and looked at my brother, he was scared for me. "of course i could" he chuckled then looked at my father "then you'll kill him" i nodded and sat down.

a small smirk resting on my face as i looked at my mother, "Loralie" she was going to beg me not do it but i ignored her.

the meeting went on, slowly.

"a special guest" Voldemort waved his wand in the air and a body dropped on the table. it was Professor Charity Burbage, she was the professor for muggle studies. her head fell to my side, her lifeless eyes staring into my soul. i gagged and used my knife to move her head.

after the meeting i made my way to my room, Draco stood at the doorway. his arms crossed and anger plastered on his face. i walked past him, into my room. "what is it Draco" he scoffed and walked over to me, "are you stupid?!" i rolled my eyes and began taking my hair out of its bun.

"don't be jealous brother, i would let you but you have to murder the headmaster" i said with a smile on my face. Draco slapped me, i let out a gasp and held my face. "you lost a baby i get that but this is too far! killing your friends boyfriend are you absolutely mental" i got up and hit him, punching him in his face. my brother fell back, "get out!" i screamed.

i watched as my brother, my best friend, left my room with a bloody nose. i screamed as i threw things around my room.

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